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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/818278-The-Lilliputians-weep-with-shame-at-Giants-selfish-folly
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#818278 added June 2, 2014 at 3:05am
Restrictions: None
The Lilliputians weep with shame at Giants selfish folly
That land of Rip Van Winkle's is now the land of rip-off.

Let's see what we can gouge out of our fellow human shall we? Ok, this is not a blast at everyone. But a prod at ourselves, me included in the 7 billion odd muster of big-butt, giant headed, profit driven, peeps.

Yes I know, I know, I know. Not all of us are like that. But surely it has entered every single person's head who's ever lived on earth, this idea of a bit of easy profit to be had, even it it's someone else's crust they wouldn't miss, that we sneak off their pewter platter, while they are distracted as we point to an imaginary spider in the King's palace.

So I think most people would agree when I put this. Our world, especially now, is not a land of Lilliputian paradise, where the little guys can wallow in the cream of Giants, with Biblical proportion bunches of grapes from yonder enemy territory.
No, out world isn't PUT anything. It's called, or should be called Gimmetakean. Or Giveithereian, maybe Getabargainattheexpenseofsomeothermugian.

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Get it. Take it. Have it. Gouge it. Sneak it. Thieve it. Con it. Trick it.

I truly believe, which seems to portray to the reader much more meaning than simply "I believe" (which logic would dictate must therefore mean "falsely believe"); I truly believe that while people have the mindset to make unnecessary and over generous profits from others, that we'll always live in an unhappy world.

Profit isn't wrong. It's necessary, in the right proportions - good, vital for growth and economy, and provides a platform for society to live. We cannot live as humans without some profit in things.

I can hear a chorus of disagreement. But there's this. If there is no profit to be had, not even a tiny bit, then there is no reason, no incentive, no motivation, no push, for humans to do anything.

Humans seem to need something to strive for, a goal, a personal - very personal - aim to get us out of bed in the morning. Even if the profit is a bag of spuds, or someone to fix our car tail lights, or get a pair of socks knitted or a story reviewed. There has to be profit for the gears of our world to turn.

But that profit doesn't have to be, and shouldn't be taken from tricking someone out of their proper earnings. Profit should be fair for all.

As I said, while we have a mindset, as a world of humans, that we'll be more satisfied / happier, by taking more from others than is necessary, then the very happiness we seek will never be found.

Perhaps that's why there are many people searching for happiness and satisfaction, peace of mind from stuff that ultimately is either harmful or a pathetic failure.

Imagine (sounds like John Lennon) if people changed their way of thinking. If we didn't look at others with a view of sneaking extra from them. If we instead tried to find ways to help another.

I don't mean give everything away to everyone. That wouldn't work. I just mean the obvious. It's not a new idea I'm proposing here. It's probably advocated in most religious teachings. In the Bible.

Be a brother and sister to your neighbor. Your neighbor is anyone. Imagine if we all had this attitude. Just take what we need. Forget the extra flash car. Don't bother with the resort style house, or second mansion. In fact, why have a mansion anyway, unless it's serving a purpose.

I'm not anti rich. No, I think people should be able to work towards financial independence if they have the brains and can do the work for it.

But not get rich from making others lives a misery, making other people thin and scrawny.

There's such a good feeling too, from any thoughtful deed that helps a brother. Or a sister. And yes, we are all one big family, regardless of people, extremists claiming everyone's an infidel except them.

Nup. I can't disagree more. Maybe I'm wrong. But I'd rather be wrong on the side of true charity, than feel a hollow sense of achievement taking some pathetic profit from a little old lady, or someone with less intelligence than me (if there is anyone like that *Pthb*), or ripping off my cleaning staff by using fine print in a contract, or by devious and dishonest means.

Get noble. Have a standard in yourself. Get some guts.
We'll always have poor people in the world. But I think we can change things a lot, so that the majority of people can be clothed, housed, eat and live a life that has true meaning.


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