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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/819866-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#819866 added June 15, 2014 at 11:34pm
Restrictions: None
It's getting pretty late and I'm just getting in here to write. Weekends are tough, since we work long hours and it's always real busy. Monday will be another long day, but then there's a three day break, making it all worth while.

I had intentions to log in and write earlier today, right after work, but by the time I got home I was beat. I had clocked out of work about five thirty, then stopped and talked to Rhonda for a few minutes before leaving. I stopped and picked up a few groceries, then drove home. It was getting on towards seven o'clock when I got home and got things put away, so I heated up some dinner and sat down to eat while I checked my e-mail.

By the time I had my dinner finished, I was ready to fall asleep in my chair, so I put off my journal and any other online activity, snuggled into bed, and closed my eyes. Hannah pounced on me, rubbing her nose under my hand, wanting to be petted, so I gave her a little attention, got her stretched out beside me, and again closed my eyes. I no more than started to drift off into sleep when Hyko pounced up on the bed, and pawed at me. He seldom gets on the bed anymore, so I knew he was feeling lonesome.

I turned towards him and petted him some, and he rolled over, asking for a belly rub. After a few minutes he settled down and I again closed my eyes, sandwiched between our two dogs, and drifted into a light slumber. I would have slept harder, but every time a car went by, both dogs popped up and listened. This was just enough to wake me up again. They were missing Rhonda, and eager for her to come home.

Normally, she would be home around six, but today we started our new schedule, and she closed instead. We have it figured out so we can get our hours and still get three days off each week. That's fine, but the dogs don't understand, and until she got home, they were up with every car that passed by. Now, they are relaxing, knowing we are both home safe, and things are peaceful and quiet.

It was kind of busy today, I find it hard to believe that so many people buy home improvement items on Sunday. I know Saturday is busy because they want to get the items and work on things over the weekend, but by Sunday afternoon, it usually slows down some. Not the last few weeks, however. Add to it the fact that today was Father's Day, and I would have thought most of the dad's would be watching sports, fishing, or doing something with their families. Not so, or at least for a lot of them it was buying boards, sheet rock, siding, and roofing supplies.

I was also surprised by how many returns are coming in over the weekends. In the past, most people waited with returns until Monday. But this weekend was just crazy for people returning items. Some I understand, but there are others that just don't make any sense. For example, leftover items after a project is finished. Of course it's going to get returned. Likewise, if something is damaged or parts are missing. But this weekend it was full orders being returned.

We had a little of everything coming back in, items just purchased earlier this week. And, it would be the full order coming back in. It's like they bought the lumber, then turned around and brought it back. And not just one or two people, but a lot of people. Then there are the ones who claim to be contractors. They should be able to bid a job and know pretty close how much materials will be needed. Nope, they are always bringing back large amounts of product.

It makes me wonder if they bill the customer for the full amount of product and then return a lot to make more money. I mean, most of the items they return are common items that they will be able to use again on the next job, so why return them at all? I have known some contractors and they always have extra stuff left over, not a lot, but some. They store it away, so if something comes up on another job, they have some extra lumber they can use without having to purchase more. Like I said, some items are going ot be left over, a little of this, a little of that. But when a contractor returns 70 bundles of shingles from one job, something is wrong.

Of course, I don't understand how anyone can make a living as a contractor around here anyway. There has to be over a hundred of them in this area. Seriously, just about every other customer is a contractor buying for a job. I understand why there are so many, the vo-tech here offers a carpentry and construction course, so there are always plenty of them entering the market. Even so, there just can't be enough business to support them all. It makes no sense at all, but that's life, I guess.

Anyway, it's late and I have to be up early for one more day... so goodnight.

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