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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/820096-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#820096 added June 18, 2014 at 3:05am
Restrictions: None
I almost did not get in here to write in time. I had a great day, got some work done and then relaxed and watched a little Netflix, and in the process almost forgot to log in MFP and write in 750 Words. That would have been kind of a downer, since I have written every day for one hundred and thirty nine days straight now. Of course, the time zone is different in WDC and that means I missed the day in there, but that's not as critical as missing in here would have been. I'll still log this under Tuesday June seventeen in WDC but it will be after midnight for the post.

Today was my first day off for the week, and I slept in. In fact I slept in way to late and was pretty stiff and sore when I did get up. Part of the problem was not getting enough sleep the last few days, and then putting in some long hours at work. The other part was just being so busy over the weekend at work. We ran our butts off Saturday and Sunday but yesterday was pretty slow compared to the weekend. It was kind of busy starting out around eight thirty, but when the rain and storms hit around noon it died right down and never did pick back up.

The rain and wind did take a lot out of me, since I was already beat, but I managed and finished my shift without any problems. By the time I got home I was ready to fall asleep sitting up, I was cold, and I was hungry. I heated up some chili and a couple of hot dogs, ate and then went and snuggled into bed. Hyko and Hannah both snuggled up to me and I was soon fast asleep. I didn't sleep sound, but instead dozed off and on for a couple hours. Then I had to get up and go to the bathroom, after which I thought about staying up.

But, I was still so tired, and changed my mind. I crawled back into bed, Hannah snuggled me and Hyko jumped down. I think it was just too warm for him. I wasn't cold anymore, so I didn't bury myself down into the blankets, but just pulled the sheet over my and was soon sound asleep. I didn't sleep for long, about an hour, but I slept sound and when I woke it took a few minutes to get my bearings again. It was still light, and I soon had myself right with the day and the time, and thought about sleeping a little more, but decided not to.

I was tired enough, but knew if I slept too much I would not be able to sleep later. So, I got up and fixed a cup of coffee. Not anything special, just a hot cup of water with some instant added in, but it tasted good and helped me clear the cobwebs and get woke up again. I finished it while I got the computer started and logged into a few sites like MFP and stuff. Then it was a second cup of instant coffee and I checked out Facebook.

After I had my coffee done, I logged in here and wrote my journal entry and then looked into my work page and checked everyone's times. Everything looked good, and I seen that Rhonda was going to be working until close. I had a little time then before she would be home and spent it looking at some things online and then took the dogs out for a little while. But, the mosquitioes were bad and I was soon back in.

I kind of just messed around online, looking at some images and stuff until Rhonda called, then talked to her for a few minutes. She was on her way home and I closed my browser and logged into my email application. I looked through a bunch of mail and cleaned things up a little and had just gotten done when Rhonda pulled up. I let the dogs out to see her and then waited for her to come in. She soon was in, had her stuff put down and got some hugs and kisses. She went to change out of her work cloths and I went out to get the dogs in, she joined me right about the time they came, and we all came in and spent a little while talking, then off to bed.

That's why I was so late getting up, it was late getting to bed. Now, it's time to call it a night and write the rest tomorrow.

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