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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/820358-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#820358 added June 20, 2014 at 5:14pm
Restrictions: None
Getting an early start in here today, only because I worked such a short shift today. I was suppose to work for six hours, with Rhonda, but they needed to train a new manager in and either Rhonda or I would lose three hours, so I clocked out and worked on the next schedule.
Since I have that done, I have extra time to write in here now.

See, Rhonda and I work the same shift on Fridays, so we both come in together and go home together. But, since I would only work for three hours today, I could either drive myself in or wait for Rhonda to get done with her shift. I opted to come in together and wait. It saves a bit on gas, and it's nice to ride together on Fridays. It also gives me a chance to get online for a little bit, which I did, and to get some work done, which I also did.

I also drove over to my brother's house to visit for a little while, but nobody was home. It would have been nice to see him, since it's been a couple weeks, but at the same time, I would not have gotten anything else done. So, it worked out good, and maybe tomorrow after work I can stop by and visit for a little while.

It was pretty steady at work today, but not as busy as it has been. I hope this is a sign for the rest of the weekend. Saturday has been a crazy busy day for the whole month. Actually it started on Memorial Day Weekend and has not settled down yet. Normally it get's busier on the weekends, but not as crazy as we have seen it. Part of it is the spring rush when everyone wants to get started on outdoor projects, but this year it just keeps going.

The weather has a lot to do with it, but again, this year it's been just crazy, even when the weather should make it slow down. I don't understand it, but then, I don't understand how many people reason anymore. In fact, I can't say they reason, it is a complete lack of reason, and would be more likely whimsical behavior.

For example, last Saturday we had a lot of guests coming in to get items for the weekend. Normally this would be typical, pick up items for the weekend project and get an early start. But, it was forecast for rain all day on Saturday, and through the week. It finally ended today, after a short but drenching rain burst, this morning. So, the forecast was calling for rain, thunderstorms, and more rain for a week prior, and by Saturday morning, it was clear that the forecast was right.

I drove in to work in rain, with winds and lightning. It stopped, but it did not clear off, it just looked like all hell could break loose at any given time. And numerous times through the day it did. And again on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and even on Thursday. It was predicted, it came, and everyone should have known it was not going to be fit to do much of anything outside for the next week, yet here they came buying entire deck packages, patios, roofing, and siding materials. And they all stated that they were n a hurry, wanting to get started, and hoping the weather would cooperate. Uh, it's looking like the entire sky could erupt into rain, lightning and funnels, and it's predicted to last for a week, I don't think it's a good idea to plan much for outside activities.

I don't know, it's like they just pretend it's going to be nice, and then when it isn't, they get mean and ornery. Completely out of touch with reality, that's all. Not everyone, now. There are plenty of people that come in to pick up items to have on hand so they can start their projects when the weather gets better, and have thought out the entire thing. But others are not equipped to haul the stuff they bought, don't have any plans, and just don't have a grip on reality.

For example, people driving one hundred miles or more to pick up gypsum or cement, with an open trailer, no tarps, and it's raining the entire trip. They show up and get the items, make me work out in the rain, and then complain because the stuff is going to get wet. Didn't they look at the weather before they left? Besides, isn't there someplace closer to buy these items? I know there are Menards closer to where they live, as well as other stores that carry these items. Sure, it may be cheaper here, but by the time you haul that big, heavy trailer this far, you spent more in gas than you saved. And, by the time you get it home, it's going to be trashed.

Anyway, that's a daily ordeal, having these types of people come through the yard, but weekends seems to bring them out in hordes. It makes mo difference to me, except it's busier. It also makes things more difficult for the people who have plans, thought things out, and are serious shoppers. For one thing, they have to put up with the rudeness and bad attitude these others always seem to have, and on the other hand, these others tend to mostly bring in big trailers that they really can't maneuver, especially if they need to back up.

I suppose it's like this most places, but to me it seems to be getting worse or at least it is this spring. Hopefully by summer they are about done and can vanish once again into the woodwork. I doubt it, but it's something to hope for.

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