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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/820950-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#820950 added June 26, 2014 at 10:42pm
Restrictions: None
What a messed up day. It turned out well, but it sure didn't start out that way, and part of the reason I'm late getting in here again tonight. Not as late as last night, but still later than it should have been. Let's start things off at the very beginning, but we will shorten things up a bit.

I had three days off, like usual, starting on Tuesday. We had plans to rip up the deck and put it back down with some alterations and improvements. We had been up kind of late on Monday night, since Rhonda did not get home until a little after eleven. That, and working our butts off over the weekend had us pretty tired come Tuesday morning, so we slept in quite late. Of course, we had not gotten to bed until late, so even though we didn't get up until almost noon, it still wasn't like we had slept for twelve hours. It was closer to ten hours.

We had a nice relaxing cup of coffee, did a Bible study and then started to get set for working on the deck. We did need to pick up some materials, so we planned on figuring up what we would need, then running in and getting everything, so we could get a good start. I had planned on getting most of the deck tore up that night, but changed my mind later. I had decided we should have one last fire and sit out and enjoy the old patio before we tore it up.

This worked out good, since it was getting pretty late by the time we got home. This is were things first started to go wrong. The person who works mornings needed to take off early on Thursday to take her child into the clinic. This was kind of a surprise, since she only works Tuesday through Friday, and only until eleven each of the four days. But, things sometimes work out so that you just can't set the appointment for the time your not working, and I understand that.

Even so, I need two weeks to schedule anyone for time off. Once the schedule is posted, any changes require me to redo the schedule, find someone who can pick up the hours, and then I have to update the store where we work, and the company in Iowa. It's a big pain in the butt, and takes a lot of time. I should add, the time I take to do these things, including most of the scheduling is off the clock. I can't use my cell phone or computer while working, so I have to do most of my supervisory work after I get home.

So, when things like this come up, the policy is simple and clear. The person who needs time off is required to contact another guard, arrange the switch and ensure their shift is covered. Then, once they have it all set up, they need to contact me to get it approved, and so I can notify the people I mentioned. This person however, just called my cell and wanted me to set up the entire switch. It was like, "I need to leave early on Thursday, deal with it."

I should also add, if you cannot find anyone to switch with, or to cover your shift, you are required to fill it, as scheduled. If that means you can't get to the doctor or what ever it is you needed, tough luck. But, I try and make sure that the guards can get the time off, if it's not all the time. But, do it the other way and then if no one will help you out, let me know. If she had done it this way, I would have been fine with things, but she didn't, and it got me a little riled. It wasn't much time that she needed, and I would have covered for her if I had known sooner and could have made plans, but she didn't leave any message until Tuesday afternoon. She called, but I had my phone turned off, since I was off work and didn't want to be interrupted; another reason it's best to schedule any time off more than a two days before you need it. But, if anyone cannot get a hold of me on my days off, which is seldom the case, they can call the office and explain it to them.

I should also add, this persons son or daughter has gotten her phone and called everyone in the address book before, so when I didn't see any messages on my cell and nothing on my home phone, I just kind of blew it off. But, then I did get a message and I got a bit worked up. Rhonda stepped in, as my assistant and took care of the return calls and stuff so I could try and get my day off without having to deal with things for work. Even so, I had to talk to another guard to see about the switch and ended up going in for that. I also had to get some materials, so it wasn't a wasted trip for just work, but it still kind of messed up my first day off, since I had to do work on it.

But things got worked out and everyone was happy, I had my materials and Wednesday Rhonda and I ripped up the old patio and got a little bit of a start putting it back down. We worked until after ten, and it was well after midnight before we got to bed. I'm guessing closer to one thirty, maybe even two this morning. So when the phone rang this morning at six fifteen, I didn't hear it right away. I did eventually wake up and got up to answer it, but by then the answering machine had picked up. I heard the store manager leave me a message, no one had shown up to open the guardhouse.

The person who had switched with the other gal had reassured me he would be able to open, and was even going to have a wake up call just in case. This was discussed because a month ago he had been late a couple times to open and cost the company money. I got my butt chewed out and had to do a verbal warning on him. Now, a month later, he want's to prove to me I can let him open again. So I took a chance and he did not show up. When I got another person called to get over there until I could come in, I called the store manager back. He had seen who was scheduled to open and called, gotten through and the guy who was suppose to be there by ten to five was on his way. He clocked in at six thirty, an hour and a half late.

I did call the other person back and had them just stay home, and I decided not to go in and take corrective action, since I needed to get things done here so I would be ready to go back to work tomorrow. Even so, I spent a couple of hours writing up a corrective action form, so that I can give this guy a written warning on Monday when he works again. I also had to file a report and send an e-mail off to my boss explaining what had happened. Once I had this done, I ate a light lunch and finally got started on our project around noon. Rhonda had started while I worked this morning, so we did manage to get it pretty well done. There is some little things to finish up, but they can wait until next week.

It turned out alright, but even so, three days off and I worked two out of the three. What makes it even worse, it cut into my time and my projects, and I didn't even get paid for any of it. And, it's all just a result of people not following procedures and not being responsible. I try and treat the guards as well as I can, but when things like this come up, I have no choice except to do whats in the best interest of the company. That means the person who just messed up again, is now only working a summer job unless he can get his stuff all together. I should add there are other problems I have talked to him about that he has not corrected, too.

This means that he cannot open anymore, and if he doesn't shape up, I may have to put him on reduced hours. This means Rhonda and I will not get our days off together anymore, and I will have to take time to hire and train another person, to replace this one. If he shapes up, there still is a chance he can hold his job after the temp position ends, but right now, that's a pretty slim chance and he is going to have to work hard to earn it.

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