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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/821112-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#821112 added June 28, 2014 at 10:37pm
Restrictions: None
Not sure what to write about today, but I'm sure something will come to mind as I type. It's Saturday, and my long day. I got up at three thirty and was at work by five this morning, but didn't get done until five thirty tonight. I had some shopping to do after, and I needed to put gas in for Rhonda in the van, and for me in the Jimmy, so it was real late by the time I got home. Then, it was relaxing for a few minutes with a cup of coffee, then in here to write this entry.

But, I'm so tired I can't think. I should take a short nap while I wait for Rhonda to get done, but I need to write first, or I may forget. I don't mind taking naps, especially short ones, but unfortunately, I seldom get a short nap. It seems once I fall asleep, I want to sleep for the duration, and it's almost impossible for me to get myself woke back up. When I do, I feel so out of it and half asleep, that I probably would have been further ahead to just stay up and not take a nap at all.

Anyway, Rhonda will be done in a little while, or at least should be done in a little while. She calls before she leaves town, so I anticipate her call around nine thirty or close to it. That gives me enough time to write this out before she calls, if I can think of something to write about. That's the problem, and it's just because I'm so tired. That and I didn't really have much of a day, since I worked all day. I could talk about work, but it wasn't anything different than any other day, so I really don't have anything to write about on that subject, either.

For that matter, shopping was uneventful as well. Normally there is something that goes on while shopping or even at work, but if there was today, I missed it. Yesterday we did a little bit of shopping as well, and there was a little something that happened that I could have written about yesterday. We parked next to a little fella that was bouncing against the steering wheel, and every once in a while, the horn would honk, and the little fellow would jump and then laugh. His mom was supervising the whole affair, and he found it even funnier when she would jump as well.

Even as we walked past, another couple got out of another car, and the woman seemed to understand and know what was going on, but the guy she was with didn't have a clue. He kept insisting it was a vehicle alarm going off. This made it all even funnier for me, and I had quite a laugh over it all.

Even as I type I try and think if there was anything at all that took place today that I could write about. But still nothing come to mind. It wasn't real busy, and most of the guests where real nice to work around today. I guess there was on person who came in with a huge trailer behind his pickup. Rhonda scanned him out, and found he was missing  quite a few items.

She informed him and instead of him being thankful we seen this, and thankful we saved him from having to make another drive in, he got mad. He was in a big fired rush to get going, because he had a crew hired to start working, but they didn't have any material for them to work with. Even so, it would have wasted even more time had he left and then had to come back in.

Also, since he had everything in an enclosed trailer, it would have been almost impossible to get any items added back on to his ticket, since the cameras can't see into an enclosed trailer. But instead of being happy we found he was missing items, he got mad. He did go back and get the items he missed, so I know the items were important. But instead of saying thank you, he started to wine and complain.

We usually see a lot of this behavior, when it should be just the opposite. Like the guy who come in with his crew to get patio block. He does landscaping so he buys bulk.  But, instead of him having one pallet of 350 patio block, one pallet of 350 retaining wall block, and one pallet of 180 edgers, he had two of the edgers and only one of the others. We seen this right off, informed him, and he had his crew take it back and get the right stuff.

He was happy I found he had wrong items, and most guests are. It saves them the hassle of returning things, and trying to convince the store they left with the wrong stuff. But, there always seems to be one person who goes contrary to every thing/

Well, that's enough for now...

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