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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/821421-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#821421 added July 1, 2014 at 11:21pm
Restrictions: None
Wow, ten o'clock in the evening already. Where has the day gone? It's been one of them kind of days that seems to slip past too fast, yet it was a good day, and a productive day. It didn't go quite as planned, but then, they seldom do.

Today was a day off for me, but I had a few things to do for work. At the top of the list was an employee evaluation that is a bit past due. It was a year on the the twenty second of June, so just a couple weeks past the date. Of course, there were a few things that added to the lateness to this important part of my job, trying to deal with guards who need schedule changes, and of course the one who really messed up and had to have corrective action taken, again. Then, I had another guard resign and had to deal with that, as well.

It's also worth noting that I do not get much time to work on these types of things when I'm on the job. If it's slow, I can write in information and spend some time going over questions, scores, and comments. But, I still need to type it out on the computer on my own time, since we cannot have computers or any electronic devices at work other than what is issued to us. This in itself kind of makes it difficult to get things done right away. See, on the days I work, I put in some long hours, and by the time I get home, I'm ready for a break from work, so it get's put off until I get some time off.

But, since I also have a life and have to devote some time to that, I don't always get as much done for work as I'd like. If there's nothing serious going on, I can take some time to do things like this evaluation, but if problems come up, I have to deal with them, so the more optional items get put on the back burner, again. This was the case last week, and even some this week. But, because it was past due, and because this person is a good worker and deserves recognition and a raise, I put the more recent problem on the back burner today and devoted my time to finishing this evaluation so I could go in and go over it with him, get it faxed, and get him a raise as well as to get the opportunity to show him as well as tell him that his hard work, dedication, and positive attitude are greatly appreciated.

It's one of those things in life that are backward. The problem people get all the attention. Sure, it's negative attention ninety percent of the time, but it take up ninety percent of the time, too. That means there is little time left as well as energy to praise those who are doing an awesome job. I try, but it seems I only get a chance when there's other things going on, and I have to make changes to accommodate the problem.

Part of this is just how it works. When a guard is doing a good job, there is not reason form me to go in and talk to them. If our shifts start and end at the same time, I can take a few minutes to talk to them and tell them they are doing a great job, but that's seldom the way it works out. Also, it just isn't the same as if I come in just to tell them I appreciate their hard work and not having to watch over everything they do.

It is something I would like to do more, go in and give praise. But it seems that I'm always going in to take care of problems, so I kind of burn out and don't like to go in at all if possible. Hopefully, the replacement for the person who resigned will be another good employee and not need a lot of attention and supervision. I also hope that our current problem child will get his stuff together and start putting in the time and effort needed to do things right. I hold positive thoughts on this, and am trying my best to get the point across, but unfortunately, he has to make the decision to do or not to do the job right.

A lot of the problems are little things, but even little things tend to add up to one big thing over time, and even as I address one problem area, another surfaces. I know a lot of it is attitude, and personality, and it's up to this person to make the needed changes in thinking and attitude. I can offer to help, to guide, and to even lead, but I cannot make him accept the help, take my advice, or to even follow. And so, it's looking like we may have to close out his position at the end of the summer and not move him into a long term position. I told him this is what I'm currently being forced to do, but that I would watch and wait with a final decision around Labor Day, when his position ends. Of course, it's more a day by day ordeal, and if problems don't get corrected, or new ones continue to arise, there is no chance of keeping him on. But, there is hope that he will make the needed changes and secure a more permanent position.

It's this kind of supervisory duties I dislike, having to hold someones hand and try over and over to guide and lead them, but knowing I can't do anything if they refuse to do what they need to do. On the other hand, duties like those that consumed most of my day today, providing positive feedback to a good worker who requires little supervision and is self motivated and professional make my job pleasant and remind me why I continue to put as much as I can into my job and my position.

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