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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822072-Life-Lessons-Hard-Times--Brand-Choice
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#822072 added July 8, 2014 at 11:17am
Restrictions: None
Life Lessons, Hard Times & Brand Choice
Today's blogs....

Blog City – DAY 127

Prompt: What is a lesson in life that took you way too long to figure out?

I am going with Charlie ~ 's prompt.

No doubt, I am still trying to figure it out. This prompt reminds me of what Oprah says - the world will give you a little bump and if you don't learn the lesson from that, it will whoomp you up side the head. That is paraphrased of course, but you get the idea. What we need to learn comes back to us over and over again until we get it.

One lesson I am still working on is that conflict does not end in immediate, eminent disaster. The world is not going to end just because I had an argument with my husband. We will get by it and he is much less furious if I stay honest and don't twist the truth, as I see it.
As a child, I tended to make things up to get out of 'bad' situations. I did not do this often, but I have found that the great stress that impales me during any huge disharmony sends me running for cover and sometimes I twist things or don't admit to things I have done. In my mind I know it is better to face the challenge head on, but childhood pain surfaces and old fears grip me sending me into defeatest trails that only bring worse things.

I have learned to admit when I have made an error.

Crazy thing is, I don't do this kind of thing is work situation. I handle things like an adult, but something of childhood pain awakens when the 'threat' comes from my loved ones, particularly my husband. A lot of this stems from being a child of divorce. Intellectually, I know what I need to do but emotionally I fall apart and think 'this is it. It is over. He's going to leave.'

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Bloggers Challenge

Today, talk about someone who gave you a hard time in school or college. It can be a teacher, a fellow student, anyone at all.

I am not going to talk about a specific someone but I will say, when I was a child I was teased. I was an odd little girl. An only child, quiet and shy. I liked to keep my own company and enjoyed being with adults, not children my own age. I tended to over react when they would bait me, and although I was a pretty little girl I got called 'Gresillda' at the bus stop. I did not have siblings to learn how to defend myself from these 'attacks'. My friend, a girl older than me, would never defend me. I eventually asked my parents to switch my bus stop when my younger friend began school. We then took the bus across the highway from our houses. Unlike the other girl, I protected this girl. There were no more bullies at this bus stop.

Most of my friends were either 3 to 4 years older than me or 3 to 4 years younger, except for the two boys I played with, they were only a year and two years, respectively. I found the boys easier to play with as there were no games of social pettiness - girls could be cruel and a little twisted - one minute you were friends, the next you were not. I did not understand that logic so I tended to steer clear. Boys did not do that - or at least not the two I played with.

When the older of these two boys started school, we used to hang out at recess together. The older girls, would tease us and make kissie noises - I think they were just jealous.

It was not until I reached middle school that I began to hang with girl's my own age, but then it was mostly only at school. It was not until high school that I would visit friends outside of school hours. These friends were mature enough to see friendship as I did - straight forward and without games. Two of those girls are still my best friends today.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Nine

5. PC or Mac? Pepsi or Coke? Ford or Holden? Canon or Nikon? Choose a brand that you are loyal to, and tell us why. What makes that brand better?

Interesting how brands are pitted against each other. There really is not a lot of difference but we hold to a brand like it is part of us.

I am definitely PC over Mac. I have used both but have always preferred PC. Macs don't play well with any other devises, whereas there is more versatility with PC.

I prefer Coke products over Pepsi ones. Pepsi products, unless they are juice, are sweeter and really gross when you consume them at room temperature.

Crest versus Colgate. My family has always been a Crest family. I tried a Colgate product last week and hated the after taste.

I don't have a preference for cameras.

Ford or Holden? I am sorry but I don't know what Holden is. If I go with cars it is Toyota all the way. For me FORD is Found On Road Dead. Any cars we had when I was a kids were domestics and they all had issues. Mind you living in Northern Ontario is not easy of any vehicle.... We had a Ford car and my mother used it once a week to drive us out to my Grandparent's farm, otherwise it sat and we walked because it was unreliable. Now I live with a mechanic and my Toyotas have never had issues. They are dependable and solid.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/822072-Life-Lessons-Hard-Times--Brand-Choice