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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823234 added July 27, 2014 at 7:45pm
Restrictions: None
Favourite Games, Unknown Gardner & Music Storytellers Day
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality โ€“ Week Thirty โ€“ One

Heavy topics this week โ€“ yikes.

5. Tell us about some of your favourite games as a kid. Did you play hop scotch? Elastics? Monopoly? Dungeons & Dragons? Space Invaders?

As a child I let my imagination be my friend. It was with me on my adventures with my neighbourhood friend, Sally. We would spend hours outside romping among the trees and huge backyards. Creating characters and playing out their lives. We would always make her younger brother the โ€˜villainโ€™ and not tell him. Poor boy. We kept running away from him and he had no idea why. We would be the Indians making a life in nature and he would be the cowboy horning in on our lands. We played the characters TV usually portrayed as the โ€˜villainโ€™ โ€“ for us they were the heroines.

On rainy days, we moved inside and took over the family room creating worlds with our imaginations. If I was alone at my home, I played teacher with my dolls as students and used my blackboard to teach math and my books to practice reading.

Other games I enjoyed and tended to play with my grandparents were checkers and tic tac toe, as well as card games like Go Fish and Crazy Eight. I have also enjoyed jacks and hop scotch. I will still jump through hop scotch chalk markings if I see them on the sidewalk in the neighbourhood.

I was an only child so games had to be created and played alone quite often. I created many an entertaining game only I knew how to play. I also loved playing with my cat โ€“ getting her to chase me when I would run around the house with ribbons attached to me.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City โ€“ Day 140

Prompt: Pick a headline from your local newspaper or favorite on-line news source and share your feelings about it. Be sure to include the headline somewhere in your blog.


This is a blog on my local paperโ€™s website โ€“ The Kitchener/Waterloo Record. I chose to watch this little video of the Unknown Garden. It is about a man who, along with a group of volunteers, goes out on night raids to plant spring flowers beside the highways coming into our cities. Visitors to the area are greeted by happy smiley faces made of bright yellow daffodils. Apparently it is considered trespassing, but he does it anyway. I think is beautifies the area in a sweet kind of way. Love it.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Monday Music Storytellers Day
I think it is Monday Music Storytellers Day.
I feel this particular song is one of the best examples of a modern storytelling song. It is based on a true story. The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot.
The prompt is find another example of a modern storytelling song you think is better and convince me you are right. Please include the link so I can hear it while I read your blog.

I love this idea. I love songs that do this kind of thing... now I just need to remember the name of the songs that really got to me. Okay, I really like the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald and being a child in the early seventies I used to listen to a lot of these on the one radio station our town had โ€“ I think it was CJTT? These are songs I loved. The first one I could sing by heart and I was about 5 years old.

One Tin Soldier

Catโ€™s in the Cradle

Billy Joe McCallister

Boots are made for Walking - not much of a story but I love this song anyway.

There was one other I liked about a boy thinking he was the only one and then his sister was born. If anyone knows the name of it please let me know. I am also curious to see what other people come up for this great prompt.

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