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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823448-Rainbows-in-Clouds-Bloggers-VS-Spies--Bringing-A-Smile
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823448 added July 24, 2014 at 12:05pm
Restrictions: None
Rainbows in Clouds, Bloggers VS Spies & Bringing A Smile
Today's blogs....

Blog City – Day 123

Prompt: Write about the rainbows in your clouds.

Is this like silver linings? Good things that come after the storms have passed? Hmmm. I tend to look for the good in all things. As a teacher, I find it is important to find that good thing in a child particularly when a child is challenging. That way you are more open to catching them doing good things that can be praised. Too many times these children are always being called out for their poor behaviour and poor choices. Looking for those moments of good, remind you that all children are wonderful, some just may challenge you to find it, while others bring it to you openly.

Building on those things, gives the student a bit of confidence and hopefully lets them know they are not 'all bad' as I am sure they are all ready telling themselves. Some of these students come to class bringing baggage of crummy home lives. Our jobs as teachers is not just to teach the curriculum and give grades - it is to teach the whole child and that includes their social, emotional and physical components. Each child is a gift and each child is our future. Parents gives us the best they have and we take the child on a journey of discovery and help to build their independence and character as good citizens.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Opinion Thursday: Are Bloggers Better Than US Spies?

Given your article you may think so... tenacious buggers, I mean bloggers. Journalists have a tendency to get their noses into things and pry. Spies spend so much time trying to follow protocol so they don't erupt a situation into all out war, journalists don't give two hoots about that. Red tape tightens the bonds around spies hands.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – One

3. What made you smile today?

First of all making the slip in the entry above.... buggers instead of bloggers. I was initially thinking the topic was going to be boring but I found a way to break that funk and laugh making it easier to comment on a topic I really don't have a lot of interest in. I know I should probably care... and I do as far as the people and families involved - human losses and the devastation of people upsets me so I tend to address it, say a pray to heal the losses the destruction has caused and move beyond - in my own private way. I am certainly not the blogger who is going to look into the cause. I know the world in a brutal place - I don't want to focus on it and give the people who did the destruction any extra time in the spotlight. We focus on the impact and others who want that kind of attention get ideas. We can't ignore it - people have suffered and they need help and prayers to heal, but it is those crazies that get a buzz from it and want to get their own attention that bother me.

Okay, sorry this was blog entry was supposed to be about smiling and I have already brought myself down again... think happy thoughts.
It is sunny. That always brings a smile. I will need to spend time outside today. Take my coffee outside and do a little weeding. Take my book outside and do a little reading under the canopy.

Tomorrow I will be going to Stratford for our yearly mother daughter shopping day. We used to take in a play as well, but I find now that my mother is older it is almost better to have a theatre day separate from the shopping day. One of the shops, Watsons sells a lot of dishware and brick a brack - they also have two or three resident cats that hang out at the cash register or crawl daintily through the dishes - without breaking a thing. Getting a cat fix will bring a smile, so will shopping in interesting little shops and enjoying my mother's company. We will do lunch and coffee break and probably even have dinner leaving my husband to fend for himself and I do not have to do any cooking - now there is another smile moment.

Also that first morning coffee brings a smile.

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