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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823611 added July 26, 2014 at 7:58pm
Restrictions: None
Getting A Start In Blogging & Spending My First Million
Today's blogs.....

Blog City – DAY 145

Prompt: I'm new to blogging. What pointers would you give me to become a good blogger.? Do you think pictures are important in a blog? Music? Links to information?

I think your blog should reflect who you are. That is both simple and complex advise. At first I played around with what I liked... then I found a way to combine several prompts and spruce it up.

I enjoy blogs that add other things. Some, like Charlie ~ have a music clip at the top of his blog. If you click on it right away you can listen as you read - I have yet to figure out how he put the video link into his post - I still have to copy and paste and that sends you out of my blog - that is not so good, since once you have the video you may not come back to my blog. So learning how to do that is something I want to master because there are times when I want to include a link to keep for future reference.

A blog is in essence an online journal. I include things that are important to me, things I want to share with those who choose to follow my blog. I must always remember my blog is public access so I keep it clean and appropriate.

One of the things I really like about blogging is that it helps me carve out my writing voice. I consider prompts, which are extremely helpful, and write my thoughts and opinions. I have discovered a lot about myself and my thoughts, ideas and beliefs. I know that my blog is public so I know there will be comments - here at WDC the commentors are kind and thoughtful and I appreciate their feedback. Not all blogs get that same treatment and some commentors can be brutal or rude - not everyone is considerate so you need to have faith and strength in your views and don't be thrown off course by someone with too much time on their hands when they rag on you.

I would start small. WDC has a community of writers who are supportive and encouraging. Within the site are areas to test your blogging voice. For me, I joined Welcome To My Reality first and got my feet wet. I had met the message forum's organizer on other parts of the site - the Paper Doll Gang - and I felt comfortable with her so I tried it. By the time Blog City reopened I was ready to 'become a resident' and make my mark there, then I added the 30 Day Blogging Challenge when I felt ready to push myself for daily writing. It is up to you how much you share, where and when.

I have made a lot of good friends on this site and many of them blog along with me. I like the connection I get when others comment and there is a lot of fun generated by some of the prompts.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Creative Saturday Prompt
How do you spend your first $1M?

Do I have to spend all of it? I think I would reinvest part of it to get it working for me. Is there more money coming? You said this was my first million. The first of many? If it is, I will be a bit more frivolous with it. Take that trip to Paris or better yet, move there or perhaps live somewhere in England - somewhere lush and green and pastoral and charming. Then I could visit Paris occasionally. I would buy a new state of the art laptop to take with me on my travels. Maybe get into some travel writing - now that would be fun. Live like I want to live. Travel where ever my heart took me.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823611-Getting-A-Start-In-Blogging--Spending-My-First-Million