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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823895-Fears--What-Ripples-Do-I-Make-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823895 added July 29, 2014 at 10:57pm
Restrictions: None
Fears & What Ripples Do I Make, Part 1
Today's blog....

Blog City – DAY 148

Prompt: What are you afraid of? All of us at one point in our life has feared something, how did you handle it?
Please discuss a topic that you have not previously shared. Dig deep.

Anyone every read Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears? I have with my grade 3/4 class and we managed a full 40 minutes reading and sharing. The kids loved it. Even the students who were afraid to speak up in front of the group shared with me. The kids loved that I could share my own fears with them - it helped build report and community within our classroom.

I still have fears - the dark still nerves me. I don't like scary movies, my imagination can be pretty potent without adding someone else's aspects to it.

I have issues with abandonment. I tend to handle things that over stress me by sticking my head in the sand like an ostrich. Not the best way to handle things... intellectually, I know better... and I like to think I eventually pull my head out and take deep breaths as I deal with things one small step at at time. I am learning. One step at a time.

I am comfortable with routine. Change is handled, but the discomfort can be a little overwhelming at times... one step at a time.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Who says I am forgetting this? :) Write everything in 3 part series July 29-31. We are to blog about one experience in 3 parts instead of 2.

Earl says "We live in different quarters of the world and yet we become one in the world of blogging."

A quote I found in a novel I am reading - an older Nora Roberts novel called Lessons Learned, seems like a good place to start. "Anyone who has character leaves a mark on another. Would you like to leave the world without making a ripple?"

This quote comes from a romance. It speaks of character. It speaks of love. It speaks of taking risk. It speaks of stepping out of your comfort zone and becoming who you really are.

Some of us make more ripples than others. What kind of ripples do I make? This is a serial experience... so I am going to look at the ways I make ripples...

First with my writing and blogging.... when we blog we open ourselves up to each other. Our character comes through in our writing voice and that voice carries forth and touches others. Am I presenting myself the way I want to be seen? Reading people's views of me, from a prompt earlier last week, let me know that I do affect others... in a good way, I think. And that is good. It is a true essence of who I am... honest and authentic. I love to help others and encourage them. I want to have my words touch and teach. I want my humour to come through and let others know I am approachable. I hope that I do that.

From others blogging, I get an overall sense of community - even though I do not physically see any of you. Your words speak to me and I find myself reading certain peoples blogs each day and even looking forward to what they have to say on a particular topic. I can count on smiles and chuckles.

With teaching.... stay tuned....

And Beyond....

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823895-Fears--What-Ripples-Do-I-Make-Part-1