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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/824063-Note-to-self-trynottomakeahashofthis-hashtag-caper
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#824063 added July 31, 2014 at 11:01pm
Restrictions: None
Note to self. #trynottomakeahashofthis hashtag caper


I have witnessed the birth of a hashtag this morning (my daughter ho hummed this, typically, and for someone so up with Tumblr and technology, she disappointed me by being unimpressed, even speculating that it had been "done already as a variation of a meme" to which another online acquaintance replied "meh, meme - scheme" which completely validated my excitement.


The newborn baby is named #allthefreakinfeels and is now "intellectual property". I'm...not sure if hashtags have a gender. Maybe it's not a profitable debate either.

With thanks to those mentioned in the Facebook group posts, 10minute Novelists.
Every writer should use this hashtag in their online work, when they feel that oh-so-euphoric pleasure when success overflows the brim of their warm hearted writer's gentleness and tender mental innocence. (cough)

I've been thinking of new beginnings. That new novel. New story idea. That new day / morning. New life of spring. You know, all that soppy warm and fuzzy stuff that tough, real men, don't entertain *Pthb*. No time for that stuff. Get out of your book and get outside. Do some work for a change! Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that there needs to be some sort of balance. But there's nothing wrong with being studious and concentrating on using our intellect (the brains you were born with stupid!)

I'm at the beginning of a new career. Yes! Good news as of yesterday.

I have a job
. *Bigsmile*

And it's in a very "out of my comfort zone" area of employment; dealing with people all the time, and not just people, but people with disabilities. Oh man. What have I done? I'm not a social person. The opposite. Now I have to come out of my cave and...yes, basically be reborn as someone who cares! What? What the...? What was I thinking?

But it has to work. And I'll make it work. I'm determined and lets face it, we have to eat, pay people back (LOTS of people and lots of $) My wife will be a big help too. She knows how to cook and is only a text message away! *Laugh* Well? You get worried about these things. I don't want to become known as a carer that can't cook!

When something major happens to us, or to something in our world that we thought was permanent, like one of those old iconic buildings that has always been there and then we drive past one day and its gone, we can feel a sense of denial. We can feel that the concept or foundation that gave us a feeling of security, has gone. Demolished to make way for something new, and probably much better. (Although not necessarily).

So often, I feel, reluctance to change, opposition to anything removed that's old, or nostalgic is like an insult or worse, to us. It makes us realise an unwelcome truth about life.


Time moves on for us all. Sometimes its a bit like the comedian Carl Barron once joked, "Do you ever forget that you're going to die? I did that the other day. And I'm, like, "Oh crap! I'm going to die one day!"
Well, the thing is, we DO forget that often dismal, fearsome event that happens to us all. I guess (and I'm not making jokes about death here) the only difference between those with terminal illness and the rest of humanity, is the sufferers KNOW they'll die soon. The rest of us will still die.

How did I get from new life to dying? Well, there's that word again. Time. We don't like to be reminded that time is moving alone, one way, non return valve firmly fixed in place, and we can't back up the fluid in the sewer pipe and go back in time. Narp.

I think then, that its demonstrated just how fantastic and basically miraculous can be this feeling of newness. Newborn.

Well, hey, it's better to think on that than being a sad sack about death all day.

And if you've just been told you succeeded in getting that sought after job, or that your novel is GREAT or some other NEW thing, then why not let yourself feel #allthefreakinfeels that humans have a right to FEEL.


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