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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1946218
A book about memories of my grandma and life experiences.
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#824279 added August 2, 2014 at 10:24pm
Restrictions: None
Taste of Summer
A Taste of Summer

Traipse to the red deck;
out of the coolness of the house
into the arms of humidity
and the melancholy of the sun
retreating, fleeing behind the trees.

On the red deck, the paint peels
and leaves black and red dust
on the heels of my pale feet.
In your hands, your old china
that was given to you on your wedding;
slices of watermelon, your favorite,
and the salt to accompany it.

On the red deck, the juices drip
with salty-sweet goodness
and the pinkness stains my white nightgown.
You laugh at me, I'm always a mess.
Yet you smile, a rare glimpse
into happiness, safe from chaos.
Fireflies fly around us,
yet we're too busy yapping to care--
this is a world I never want to leave.

Traipse back into the house,
the clock strikes 10;
it is time to lock up
and with salty and sticky kisses
the dusk a very good night.
And as it falls on us,
we hug tight.

Written: August 7, 2013 (I'm surprised I didn't post this before).
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