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Rated: 18+ · Book · Erotica · #2007529
Brylee's first night at The Club with Daiki.
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#827415 added September 6, 2014 at 11:31pm
Restrictions: None
Part 5 – Testing and Teasing
Liz and I used to go to dance clubs all the time in high school, which was all of a few months ago for me.  This place looks nearly identical to those, including the small stages and go-go cages lining the room.  Only major difference would be the activities occurring on those stages and inside those cages.  Even when I waist deep in my three-ways and group sex-a-thons, those occurred in private rooms inside some seedier clubs.  There were sex acts occurring in the public areas, but not on display like this… like art.

I squeeze my thighs together, which doesn’t help the throbbing of my over-stimulated sex, but does prevent me from leaking down to my toes.  I can already barely walk in these shoes, if they are slippery inside, I will break an ankle.

Music thumps, but not loudly, allowing me to hear and think simultaneously.  My eyes on the other hand… they are so overwhelmed, I have no idea what to look at first.  I exhale quietly and steel my spine, but maintain my submissive demeanor. 

“I love you so much, little one,” whispers Daiki as he nuzzles my ear.  “You are the most precious part of my world.  This is all just entertainment.  You are my world.”

“Thank you, Sir.  You are my world.  The best part of me.  I love you too.”

“We will circle the room, but if you wish to stop and watch, just squeeze my hand.  Do not address any of the Masters unless I give you permission, even if they speak to you.  They must know that you are mine and mine alone.  The collar is the first sign of my possession of you, your submission and deference to me is the absolute confirmation of that status.  Understand?”

I nod and lick my lips, keeping my gaze locked to his… being a very good girl and not glancing to the moaning at the stage nearest my left…the one with the young man restrained while an older Master takes him from behind.  At least that is what I can tell from my peripheral vision.

There are several sitting areas, as well as beverage bars, a busy wait-staff buzzing amongst the dressed-to-the-nines Masters, and the barely-enough-to-cover-intimate-bits slaves.  As far as slaves are concerned, I look like a freaking nun in this outfit.  Have the sudden urge to kiss Daiki out of his socks.

The room is crowded, but not packed like the clubs where I used to hook up.  A sudden flashback of two frat brothers in a fuck room at one such club springs forth, and I have to cross my legs to keep from puddling on the floor. 

They were nice enough guys who took great care to make sure the double penetration felt good.  I rode one while the other fucked my ass nice and gently.  In fact, it was one of the times I actually came during my sexual experimentation years.  Something about being sandwiched between two strong, gorgeous guys, and the sensations of them sliding against each other inside me, separated only by that thin wall of my vagina and rectum.

The boys had liked it so much, they had me over to their frat house several times for ménage action.  It only took a couple of nights before they sandwiched each other, one in the ass of the one fucking me.  So damn hot.

A few times I asked to watch them fuck each other, mesmerized by them.  The brief pain with the initial breech of the mushroom head of one’s cock into the ass of the other.  Then that expression of relief when the Top eased all the way inside, both of them panting with the struggle to not brutally fuck each other.  And once the Top was seated all the way inside, they would kiss.  An affectionate reassurance. 

As the fucking got hot and heavy, the strained expressions intensified with their moans and cries.  But the most beautiful looks arrived when they came, all that ecstasy while they jolted and spasmed, their cocks jerking as they ejaculated…one in the ass, the other all over either me or the bedding.

When it got to be too relationship-like, I broke it off.  I still get messages from them.  Apparently they can’t find a girl to justify their bisexual needs.  Had I known I was destined for BDSM monogamy, I would have gluttoned myself on them, going out of the slut pool with a bang, so to speak.

Daiki attaches a chain to my collar, pulling me out of double penetration memories, and smiles before leading me out onto the floor, and I desperately try to ignore both the looks from the Masters, and the rubbing of that chain on my clit.

“Daiki!” coos a statuesque woman wearing leather pants and silk corset, her hair an extremely unnatural shade of red.  “We’ve missed you these past months.  And you’ve brought a new pet this evening.”  When the woman stops just inches from me, I drop my gaze to the floor and concentrate on not fidgeting.  “May I?” she asks, practically purring.

“I am afraid not, Collette.  This pet is very special to me, and I will not be sharing her.  She is off-limits to even you.  We are here this evening so she may become accustomed to The Club.  Perhaps in a future date she will be comfortable enough to participate in some recreation.”

“Oh, such a pity.  She is spectacular.  Absolutely breath-taking.  It really isn’t fair that you won’t share her, but if she was mine, I wouldn’t let her out of my bedroom, let alone share her here.”  Collette ducks and draws my gaze to hers, the smile on her glossy lips warm and inviting.  “And who would you be, pretty pet?”

I glance to Daiki, who nods, a prideful grin on his face.  “Go ahead, itoshii hito.”

With a gulp and nervous smile, I say, “Brylee, Mistress.  My name is Brylee.  It is very nice to meet you.  My Master holds you in the highest respect.”

“And so well behaved,” she sighs, holding her hands to her heart.  “I am beyond jealous.  If you change your mind, little one, I would be honored to either pamper or punish you.  Daiki has gotten such complete release at my hands, and it would be wondrous to see you as I apply the crop to your tender ass.”

A shiver travels up my spine, and my thighs tremble as they clench around that chain.

“If my fiancée changes her mind, you will be the first to know,” answers Daiki with a chuckle, his hand gliding over my ass as his lips meet my hair.

“I will be pampering Darlene in the velvet room later, if your pet would like to watch.  The little brunette that Stephan gave me in February.  She has been a very good girl, making many of our key investors happy to no end.  And she eats my pussy like a voracious Rottweiler.  Truly the best fuck I have ever had.”

Not gawking at Daiki’s former Dom proves difficult.  My family may verge on constant innuendo and inappropriate taunting, and my mouth may get me cuffed to the spanking bench on a regular basis, but I have never been exposed to such raunchy musings pouring from someone’s lips with such class.

“I think that would be lovely.  What do you think, love?” asks Daiki as he studies me, his lips quirked in an amused grin.  Unable to form words or will my body to make simple movements, I just stare at him and concentrate on breathing.  He laughs and pats my bare ass, causing the chainmail to sway and brush my upper thighs.  “Flag me down when Darlene is ready.  My little pet loves to watch same sex couplings.”

Settling with the exchange between Daiki and Collette, I take a moment to observe the room in more detail… immediately stopping on one of the smaller stages near the wall that caught my eye earlier.  A young man kneels, his body bound so his head rests on the floor with his ass in the air, a ball gag filling his mouth, and a look of pure ecstasy on his face.  The ecstasy would be caused by that older Master slow fucking him from behind, pausing occasionally to slap the slave’s ass. 

What can I say, Daiki is right, watching two women or two men go at it really turns me on.

Daiki clues in to my interest, and excuses us to lead me over for a closer look.  These sandals don’t help my shaky walking, all the warring adrenaline, arousal, and dopamine from my orgasm wreaking havoc with my muscle coordination.  Luckily he holds my waist and supports my newborn-colt progress towards the stage.

Once up close and personal, I see the slave wears a cage-like apparatus over his privates, plastic with tiny teeth, keeping him from reaching a full erection.  Nipple clamps are connected by thin silver chains to his ankle cuffs, which are also attached to his wrist cuffs, keeping him curled into a ball.

The Master smiles at me as he withdraws from the slave’s ass, slow and gentle, only to slam back inside, causing the younger man to grunt, then moan.  It’s so damn sexy watching the Master’s glistening  erection appear, all veiny and thick, then watching it dominate the slave’s ass with the brutal thrusts, penetrating to the hilt until the Master’s hips slap against the slave’s skin.

A female Master purrs at my side, steps forward, and runs a hand over the slave’s back, caressing lovingly before tugging his hair and biting his ear.  She whispers below my hearing range, but the slave hears her just fine, groaning and pinching his eyes closed.  Her hand cups his caged cock as she continues more loudly, “You will beg me to take this off and let you cum.”

The slave’s eyes widen, but not in fear…definitely in lust.

“You have a new pet?” asks a male standing next to Daiki, and I turn from the stage to see him smirking at me.  Bright blue eyes, brown hair, and a tuxedo similar to Daiki’s.

“Yes,” grinds out Daiki between clenched molars, prompting me to snap my attention back to the stage and inch closer to his side, gluing myself to his torso, taking refuge in his strength.  “And you will not be touching her, Jonathan.”

“Oh, ouch.  Your last pet was too sensitive, but in the end, it was not my fault she left you for someone who could satisfy her needs better.”

“You violated club rules.  I’m surprised they let you back in.”

Jonathan laughs and holds up a drink.  “Money buys practically anything, Daiki, you know this.  It sure bought a glorious night with you and…what was her name…Frankie?  Right?”  His voice goes all husky as he adds, “Well, more than one night with Frankie.”

“If you come near my fiancée,” growls Daiki as he steps up to Jonathan, baring his teeth, “I will make sure no one finds enough of your body to identify you by DNA.  Understood?”

“Testy, testy.  And who would have ever predicted that the word fiancée would have ever escaped your lips in reference to one of your pets?”  He clicks his teeth together, the unnatural whiteness glowing under the club lighting.  “You should really be upset with Frankie, not me.  Poor thing.  I think she died of a drug overdose.  When was that…in March I believe.”

“Yes…after spending several weeks as your slave, Jonathan.”  Daiki wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple.  “If you don’t mind, I would like to discontinue any and all discussions with you.  Our acquaintance has run its course.”

Jonathan laughs and winks at me, then turns on his heel to meander into the crowd.

“If you spy that man anywhere near you, you let me know immediately,” whispers Daiki into my ear, his embrace tightening almost painfully.  “Bry?”

“Yes, Master,” I whisper.

“In this I am not your master, itoshii hito.  I am an overly protective male vampire bonded to the love of my life, my soon-to-be wife, and future mother of my children.”

I nod and burrow into his chest, inhaling the spice of his cologne and absorbing his warmth.  “Who was Frankie?” I ask, feeling him tense against me.

“A friend.  We played a bit, but she was not a consistent partner.  Jonathan…he ignored her safe word.  He’s a sadist, Bry.  A dangerous one.  We will discuss the details later.”  He tips my chin up and kisses my nose.  “We came here tonight so you could see this side of my life.  Meet people like Collette.  She is a conscientious Master.”

“Oh.  I liked her.”

“Good.  Now behave, or there will be punishment, dorei.”

I offer up a kiss, along with a lip bite, eliciting a groan from Daiki as he adjusts his pants…specifically in the crotch.
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