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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827703-Ive-Decided-to-Retire----from-Adulthood
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1578384
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
#827703 added September 9, 2014 at 8:54pm
Restrictions: None
I've Decided to Retire . . . from Adulthood
I've Decided to Retire . . . from Adulthood

Don't get me wrong, I know there are some advantages to being a grown up, but tonight I would trade the ability to legally drink, drive a car, - not at the same time, of course - and . . . well, at the moment I'm drawing a blank. Anyway, I would trade those two things for any of the following, or if I won the 'be a kid again' lottery, all of them:

1. Being able to stay in the bathtub for two hours and no one even missing you, much less coming in to ask you to do something or if you know where the milk is.

2. Being described as "That girl has more energy than she knows what to do with"

3. Being MADE to go to bed early or you might be cranky in the morning I think adulthood has proven that point.

4. Opening your dresser drawer with never a thought that there might not be clean underwear in it.

5. Heck, I'd even go back to the age where my clothes were laid out for me no matter how dorky and my mom did my hair

6. When a scraped knee was the worse pain you ever felt

7. When you innocently dreamed of being a teacher so you only had to work until 3:00 and got the summers off and No Child left Behind meant every kid in the class was invited to the birthday party.

8. When the phrase "back in YOUR day' was never directed at me in a conversation.

9. When curling up in the fetal position was expected not cause for alarm

10. When everyone you met immediately became your friend because you hadn't developed pet peeves or the realization that some people are plain weird.

11. Awwww. . . to hear the words "Would you like some ice cream since you cleaned your plate" instead of thinking "oh shit, I ate EVERYTHING on my plate . .. I can't eat again until Thursday . . . way too many carbs"

12. when I was filled with excitement at the sound of the phone ringing instead of having to pep talk myself up to look at the caller id to see what bill I have forgotten to pay.

13. when the biggest and only decision I had to make that day was what card to ask for in Go Fish.

14. when receiving money for a birthday was fun because you actually might get to spend it how you want

15. and there was a certain age when you always smelled good no matter if you had been sweating in the sun all day

16. when after you had a bad dream it was acceptable to crawl in bed with a family member instead of awkward and just plain wrong for all those involved

17. oh yes, and you NEVER had to wear a bra! How could I have almost forgotten that one?

18. there were always Popsicles in the freezer

19. hearing the phrase "you are too young to know about or worry yourself about that"

20. you got to sit in the backseat and color in your Muppets coloring book no matter how short of time you were in the car

Wouldn't it be nice? Just for a day or two? . . . until you remembered how wonderful a glass of wine was? or you screwed it up by being a kid and saying those silly words of "I can't wait to grow up and do what I want..

Pity Party or Wishful Thinking?


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Hey, life? Are you kidding me?  (18+)
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
#1578384 by audra_branson

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827703-Ive-Decided-to-Retire----from-Adulthood