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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827993-Material-Treasures-of-A-Flea-Market-Shopper--Creation-Day
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#827993 added September 13, 2014 at 12:01pm
Restrictions: None
Material Treasures of A Flea Market Shopper & Creation Day
Today's blogs....

Blog City – Day 194 {Day 12 of the LIST}

It's Saturday and the flea market is open. What treasures did you discover? Do you actively look for certain items? Or do you buy closed boxes because you like mysteries? What kind of shopper are you?

This reminds me of that saying... other people's junk could be another person's treasure. Flea markets and antique markets are treasure troves abounding. Just to browse at the past and see mankind in his possessions... what he gives up or passes on. There is a story there.

I have never been to a flea market (such an off-putting term) but I have been to garage sales and antique shops. I am more of a browser in this instance. I am drawn to the book sections... the last time I was into an antique shop I purchased several books. What intrigued me were the comments the previous owner had written into the books. Two of them were anthologies used in university literature classes. Aside from gaining a book with a host of classics and intellectual remarks to learn and develop within my own, there were student comments pressed into the margins. It is a chance to read and get another personal view of what somewhat thought. I don't have to agree with them... but it is an interest of mine.

Treasures Of The Material World
#1. Old books like the ones described above.
#2. Old books passed down from other family members - I have a hymn book that belonged to my Grandmother's brother - he taught himself to play music from those precious sheets.
#3. I have another old book my mother had in school - on one of the pages she has blotted her lipstick. Other pages have her own, youthful comments. It is a peek inside my mother's life when she was but a teenager. She is now 75.
#4. My music collection - it reflects my musical choices and interests that has developed and changed over the years. It also reflects the musical changes over the years. Most are CD's. I think the cassette tapes are all gone - though if I look I can probably find a few music compilations I tapes before going on car trips. My records are all gone.
#5. My hutch and dining table set. These are the only bits of furniture that has stayed with me after the amalgamation of my life with my husband. Most everything else is bought together - except the bedroom furniture. The spare bedroom holds his childhood bedroom set (which was way more adult than mine) and our master bedroom set that was passed down from his parents (the mattress and box spring are our purchases) My husband has difficulty letting others sell or get rid of good furniture. We have too many such items holding court in our house.
#6. My dishwasher - just new as our other one of 18 years was recently retired due to age. A treasure for convenience.
#7. The washer and dryer are also treasures for their convenience to life.
#8. An outdoor laundry hanger - to allow for outdoor drying and keeping electrical costs down.
#9. My car. I love my Corolla. It is reliable and sweet. Gets me where I want to go if it is too far to walk or if the weather is not so great.
#10. My Wii - to keep me on my routine to weigh in and do exercises on Fitness Plus. This is also great when the weather is nasty outside.
#11. My laptop - now how can I forget that - I am on it at least a couple hours a day. For surfing, connecting and writing. It is a life line of sorts.
#12. The television - yes, this is a treasure. Sometimes for knowledge, sometimes for entertainment, and sometimes as a night light I leave on when my husband's on night and I am alone in the house (I find comfort in the light and the rumble of voices - set low and on a station that will not change to something scary if I wake up in the night).
#13. Clothing - because who wants to venture around without them. What you wear also reflects who you are... I am partial to my Simon Chang jeans, my cotton T - shirts, warm, fuzzy zippered jackets and fuzzy socks.
#14.Coffee - that I can enjoy at home or out at a coffee shop. I can enjoy it alone at home or in a crowd or I can enjoy it in the company of others. All is well if coffee is available. A few cookies and sweets would be lovely as well... but not necessary.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Creation Saturday
Describe to me the scene of the crime where the murder took place from the murderer's point of view. If you view energetic, try it from the victim's point of view. Remember it's creation Saturday and the key word is creation.

Hunched and bloody the man moves off into the shadows shedding his hate and rage along with his bloodied jacket. He throws it into the dumpster. Thinking again as rational thought seizes his dark soul, he jumps up and bending over the dumpster's cruddy side, grabs for the soiled cloth. No sense leaving things behind... to easy to let them find him.

He looks back to the lump of body that lays dead in the alley. His gut sickens at what he has done. Fear bites him deep, drawing out its own wound, not fatal but certainly flawed and damaged. He turns to run. To flee this place and its tumultuous thoughts and actions. To rid himself of the blackness that has covered his soul as he let his emotions carry him into a murderous rage. Now only despair will find him and fear will swallow him whole if he does not get away.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/827993-Material-Treasures-of-A-Flea-Market-Shopper--Creation-Day