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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/830110-Sunday-Reflections--The-Skeletons-Dining-Room
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#830110 added October 5, 2014 at 2:08pm
Restrictions: None
Sunday Reflections & The Skeleton's Dining Room
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Usually today is a day to reflect. I would have to say my favourite blogs this week tend to follow the Haunted House... each of us writes a blog that takes us through a haunted house. I have read a few others but I am trying to only read them after I have written my own piece for a particular room so that I am not influenced by their creative stories. I will love reading each of them in full. I know 🌑 Darleen - QoD and ~Lifelessons~ and Princess Megan Rose 22 Years have all started at the same time as me. I look forward to reading them. Others will follow as I think signups had to be done by October 3, but you can start your entries as late as October 21 to finish in 10 straight days on the 31st.

Below is the 3rd instalement of my own Haunted House story....

Border for my personal use.

The Haunted House - Day 3 - The Skeleton's Dining Room

The door closing with finality sent a trembling through my body and the big witch dropped me like a bag of potatoes and moved to stand over by the door at the far end of the room.

"What's this? More company?" came a rattling voice I could not yet see.

A long table blocked all view of everything, but the tiny witch beside me who grinned down at me. A shiver of willies ran through me as I swore I saw something crawl around her toothy grin then slip through the gaping hole in the lower corner of her mouth. She shut her mouth and smacked her lips. Swallowing whatever it was.

I looked away, cringing. I shifted away from her, then decided getting up off the floor was better than crawling around in the grime that left the floor sticky. I grabbed the edge of the table and hauled myself up. The room was dim. Only candlelight flickered from a candelabra in the center of the table and a few wall scones that held candles that seemed to drip a red substance down their white tappers. I sucked in a breath realizing the oozing substance was blood and it dripped to the floor adding to the sticky grime that built up. I glance down at my hands and gave a shudder as I tried to wipe the crap off my hands. It stuck stubbornly to my fingers and palms.

It was the rattling voice that brought me back to the room and my surroundings.

"Ah, what have we here?"

"Greselda wants her to eat." The big witch croaked deeply, then the two witches cackled at the delight in their joke.

My head swirled, nausea building and I took in great gulps of air trying to settle the rising bile. My eyes searched out the voice and landed on a luminous skeleton who sat in the high back chair at the other end of the table. His boney smile seemed to grin at me as his jaw dropped to add his own rattling laughter to the witches cackle.

Weakness rolled over me and I slid into the chair to my left. My eyes stayed fixated on the skeleton. Nothing held him aloft. His bones rattled and rubbed with his chuckling.

"Well, then by all means. She should eat. One does not want to upset Greselda."

"I expect with a little added meat, she'll be quite tasty...." The little witch whispered like nails along a chalkboard.

"As good as you, Mr. Bones, but then you were a little sinewy." The big witch croaked as she fished a beetle out of her mouth, glanced at it and when it went to make a run for it, she snatched it back into her jaws and crushed it, giving me a smile when I twisted my face with disgust.

As the three of them went on to discuss the possibilities of what Greselda would make or how delightful I would taste, I looked about the room for some way to escape. The windows were all boarded and I knew from my outside exploration that they would not come away easily. The big witch blocked the only other door and the tiny witch held her post by the door we had come through. My eyes traveled the walls and ceiling making note of the dark curtain in the far corner. It was close to the skeleton but I could make out movement.

I shifted in that direction. The others were so deep in conversation they did not see my slow progress as I pushed up and moved along the backs of the chairs. As I got closer I could feel a draft ripple over my feet and legs.

I was almost at the curtain when the others stopped speaking and glanced at me. There was a flurry of movement as both witches flew forward.

"Get her!" screeched the tiny witch grabbing for my arm.

But I evaded her and turned throwing myself into the mercy of what lay beyond the curtain and hoping desperately the witches could not follow.
Darkness took me and I toppled down hard steps. Only echos of the witches screeching assailed me and then black took me under.

Next is Dracula's Family Crypt.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/830110-Sunday-Reflections--The-Skeletons-Dining-Room