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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/830348-Ebola-Equality-Fashion-Style--The-Monsters-Living-Room
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#830348 added October 7, 2014 at 7:27pm
Restrictions: None
Ebola, Equality, Fashion Style & The Monster's Living Room
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge.

amy-Has a great future ahead talks about equality.

Last night, I watched Murdoch Mysteries and part of it focused on the women's sufferage movment - women getting the vote. One man pulled his wife from the demonstration and other men spoke of only having the thinkers of the world being able to make sensible decisions. I am so glad I live in a time when we do not have to fight for the right to be citizens instead of property. What has come before us has granted up certain rights and freedoms we need to be grateful for... not everyone has these same rights. But I also believe we need to not just claim discrimination and inequality at every turn. We need to earn our place, but we also need to be given the opportunity to apply and plead our case so that the best possible candidate fills the position.

Even in the teaching profession, I find men will often get hired in elementary schools because the school wants a few male teachers to balance the ranks. That is fine if the male teacher is the best candidate, but sometimes I find, he is not always... every time.

Sometimes people will scream discrimination when in fact it has nothing to do with it. That sends up red flags and others are hypersensitive. Sometimes someone is just being a disrespectful twit and you are calling him on it... it is not discrimination, it is a 'wise up' or get out, regardless of who you are.

Border for my personal use.

BLOG CITY – Day 218

Prompt: Ebola. Thoughts?

To be honest I don't think about this too much. It is a scary disease that is currently running rampant. I don't understand it much and I think maybe I should be more aware but in a way I tend to figure we are safe here in our modern medical world. We are not third world. We are not dealing with other complications, like AIDS. I am praying for those areas of the world effected and I do hope we can fight it back and bring back hope to those under siege.

I just hope it does not mutate into an air borne virus - that is what scares me the most. But I have faith that we can contain this outbreak and fasten it back into its dreaded box. Sealed to share no more.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Forty - Two

4. Describe your personal fashion style.

What personal fashion style? I am lucky if my socks match. Well, maybe I am not that bad, but I enjoy comfort. Loose jeans, casual t-shirts from Marks Work Wear House. Cotton is my fabric of choice. I usually wear my clothes in layers so that I can add or remove depending on the temperature around me. I don't go in for makeup, unless I am getting all dolled up for some descent event and then that usually includes a dress or skirt and blouse type of arrangement. I don't wear labels and I don't get all bent out of shape if someone is wearing something designer. I do like my Simon Chang jeans, but I wear them because they are so comfortable and they make my ass look good.

I also need pockets as I am always dealing with allergies and need pockets for my Kleenex stash. Having a hoodie or zippered sweater helps with that.

Being tall, I have difficulty finding pants that are a good length. My Simon Chang jeans fit the bill, but if I am looking for basic dress pants for work, I stick to Northern Reflections or Marks Work Wear House.

I hate high heels and only wear them for special occasions and church. The rest of my time is in flats - my preference is running shoes, but I will wear my Crocs to the mailbox and back when my husband is not with me.

My clothes are easy wash and wear... there is no ironing. I hate ironing and refuse to do it. I usually hang my clothes to dry and shake out the wrinkles before I pull the clothes on.

6. Tell us about your job (if you're retired or unemployed, share an insight into your daily life).

My style plays well with work. I am a supply or substitute teacher. Each day is a different class and a different grade in a different school, unless I am lucky enough to get a long term occasional position that will hire me in for a longer period of time. The longer, the more responsibility - doing the report cards and individual education plans and such.

I do the layer thing so that I can add or remove as I see fit. You never know if you will be in a school or running out to portables to teach. Classrooms can be too warm or chilly. Being prepared with layering makes it easier to adjust. I also find, when I get nervous I overheat and need to shed some layers until I am more comfortable. Being in running shoes makes it easy to teach a gym class or move around with ease. I want my focus on my students not on my sore toes.

Border for my personal use.

The Haunted House - Day 5 - The Monster's Living Room

When I reached the top of the steps, I turned back to the opening and heard a windy whooshing sound, then the door sealed itself leaving a wall with no hint of a door. My heart raced and skittered bouncing in ways I thought for sure would take it beyond my chest. I dragged in more air, trying to ease the panting and lower my blood pressure. I looked down to take in a rather worn and dusty carpet. The reds and golds were mutated, but had one time been lovely. I looked around to take in the comfortable sofas and a fireplace with flames dancing merrily over dark logs. The chill from the crypt had me moving toward the warmth and I held out my hands as I whispered a 'thank you' that caused my eyes to burn with tears. I knelt by the fire and let the warmth engulf me. A moment to let the trembling fear slip off like a winter coat, but rumbling from the other end of the room had me put it back on and shift behind the closest sofa.

I remembered the footsteps in the front hall and wondered, prayed that perhaps the rumbling came from a human soul... a friend perhaps, but as I peaked around the sofa's edge I saw that hope splinter and fall away.

Around a table at the far end of the room I notice three huge creatures. The firelight flickered, but did not show much of them. Another creature moved into the room from the door at the left. It carried a keroscene lamp. The lamp lit on large claw-like hands and I shivered in disgust.

"Bones says there's another human in the house." The creature boomed out as it placed the lamp into the center of the table.
"Another?" boomed an equally grotesque creature.

The light showed their faces to be twisted and deformed, pale with a tinge of greenish grey.

"How many is that tonight?" Another whined, his voice not so deep.

"I don't care." said the fourth, his voice rough like sand paper. "I just want to play these cards in peace."

"Did you manage food?" The whiney one asked looking at the first who still stood.

"It's coming. Greselda had some problems in the kitchen and she's mighty angry with her sister's. Still ranting and firing out curses and sparks. Apparently they can't seem to contain these little humans."

"Do they need any help?" boomed the creature at the table.

"I am not helping those viperous witches." said the creature with the rough voice. "If those humans are meant to be caught, they'll be caught. I ain't interrupting my game to search.... let them be."

"But I'm hungry." whined the smallest of the four.

"You are always hungry." boomed the creature that stood by the door. "I'll go offer assistance... maybe help with the food..."
Turning, that creature left the room, closing the door firmly behind itself.

"Oh, come on... the game." Rasped the throaty one. "These interruptions are driving me mad..." Anger rippled in the air around him and he pounded on the table making the whole house shake.

"Maybe you need to go up to the Music room. Let that music sooth you." whined the smallest one.

"That's crap." he roared, standing he flipped his chair and it tumbled back across the room.

"Settle down." boomed the other one.

"Don't tell me to settle. I'll rage if I damn well like it." The raspy one shouted leaning down into the other's face.

The rising tension filled the room and soon all three were on their feet pushing and shoving at each other. Their voices twisted around like razor wire, cutting and loud. I covered my ears. The sound piercing. My eyes darted for a way out and found another door further up on the right hand side. It was close to the creatures though and I dreaded getting closer to them.

Glancing back at them, I noticed the creatures seemed to be growing with each moment they held onto their fury. I needed to go now and quickly before they discovered me. Crawling, I made my way across the room to hide behind another sofa.

The creatures were so fully focused on their own monstrous battle that they did not even take my notice, but just to be careful, I held me breath and moved as fast as I was capable. When I reached the stairs I heard a shriek. Glancing back I noticed the smallest creature had spotted me and pointed, their attention swung to me and they turned with thunderous power, but I slipped up the stairs and was gone. Their angry roars sending the air into revolt as it propelled me, lifting me within the waves of their ferocity. I landed with a thud on another dusty carpet. Coughing and sputtering I looked around me... where was I now?

Next is The Ghostly Music Room.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/830348-Ebola-Equality-Fashion-Style--The-Monsters-Living-Room