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by Rayyna
Rated: E · Book · Other · #2012444
A blog tracking my journey as a writer.
#839785 added January 29, 2015 at 10:46am
Restrictions: None
Planning for Children
Week 51 / Prompt 3 - What is your opinion on video games?

Okay, I'm pulling from the archived prompt posts for this one, because I want to talk about future children today, and none of this week's prompts really put me in the mindset to do that. This blog post might get a little twisty-turny, but I'll eventually get to answering the blog post.

Last night was extremely odd for me. I'd been super tired all day, so much so that I could barely focus on anything at work. I was lucky in that I didn't have much work to do, but it definitely made for a very long day. I was really just hoping I'd be able to stay awake on the commute home and immediately fall asleep upon arrival. Well, the whole way home I wasn't really falling asleep, as expected. Instead, I was antsy. I SWEAR I could feel my ovaries dancing inside me. It was like I'd been hit with an arrow filled with "baby" juice or something. I suddenly Wanted A BABY.

Apparently, I haven't shared much about this part of me on my blog yet, so let me amend that problem. During my last marriage, no part of me wanted children. Married for five years to my ex, and neither of us truly wanted kids. We weren't financially stable enough to handle it, and really, we had plenty of other things going on that just did not leave time to add a little bouncing child to that. We were also in our twenties. Divorce, and now a new boyfriend that looks super promising. Also, in my thirties. And my biological clock has started TICKING. Furiously.

We've talked kids. We both want them. He actually said he wanted them first, back in the early days of our dating. I wasn't sure. But then the clock started. And He's awesome enough to make me know we could handle it. I also recognized that so many of the things that I used to do that would make staying at home with a child difficult aren't really things anymore for me. And, well, I feel like I'm ready. Of course, assuming we get married first. No pre-marriage kiddos for me.

So anyway, back to yesterday, I'm going crazy with this sudden overwhelming want to have a kid. I want one. I want one that cries, screams, poops, talks, smiles, laughs, learns, grows, and inevitably makes me a proud momma. I want the good and the bad. But I want one. or two. I really really do.

Two years. That's our 'schedule'. Married this year.. next year for "us", and then the following year - pregnant. Yes, we have a schedule. We have to. I want a child before I'm 35, and well..that's coming up quick. And no - I'm not marrying him just because I want a baby. Believe me - I've looked hard at my feelings about this. I love him, and I want to spend my life with him. We work very very well together.

Okay.. so anyway, I did promise I'd discuss the prompt, didn't I? Well, back in early December, Collin showed this article to me *Right*https://medium.com/message/playing-with-my-son-e5226ff0a7c3*Left*. It discusses a dad who introduced his 21st century child to video games starting with the very first game systems that were created back in the 70s and 80s, and then took him through all of the systems as they were released, up into modern day games. He started this when the child was four. Anyway, Collin said he'd like to do this with our children. And I honestly agreed.

Both of us are video game nerds. We enjoy them (him waaay more than me). We manage them in our lives and they are one of our main hobbies. I'd taken a small break from them, but have always enjoyed them. And kids these days all play them a great deal. It is almost impossible to have a child that doesn't know/enjoy/play video games, because kids will peer pressure them into it. But, you know what, I like games, He likes games, so of course so will our children. Hell, my DAD still plays Mario Kart All The Time, and beats Collin at it every time they are together. Games are a part of this family, and will continue to be so. It is our opinion, then, that we will ensure that our child(ren) have a proper appreciation for the video game industry, and learn it all.

I think i spent more time talking about children in general than the post prompt, but I don't care!*BigSmile*


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