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#842930 added March 1, 2015 at 12:27pm
Restrictions: None
Day 1 30DBC Challenge: This is why I do not read the news
Prompt:The Sunday News: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

I only read online newspapers and only when I have to. Why did I choose this article? It’s the first one that came up. It’s a really big deal in my state. See full article at


Fugitive Minnesota cult head captured in Brazil beach lair

I am supposed to be impartial and stand on innocent until proven guilty. Yet I know too much to stand on that for his type of cruelty. In this case his actions and his accusers have spoken and a judicial trial would be a waste of taxpayer money. This time too many young girls said that he hurt them. He proved his sin when he ran. This is the first time I wish my state had a death penalty. I say this vile creature should be sent to God for final judgment. My human judgment is he should rot in hell.

He is not human, so do not plead his case to me. He is wicked and subhuman. The ripple effect of those he hurt is still spreading. Society should not have to fund his wickedness.

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