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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852227-Favourite-Childhood-Books-Bullying--The-Call
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#852227 added June 22, 2015 at 10:17pm
Restrictions: None
Favourite Childhood Books, Bullying & The Call
Today's blogs....

Welcome To My Reality – Week seventy – nine

5. What were your favourite books growing up? Why?

Favourite books as a child.... Characters of like Sammy Jay in The Adventures of Sammy Jay.
Thorton W. Burgess is the author of several Adventures of... stories that were brought to life in the series: Fables of the Green Forest.

I loved these stories because they are stories my mother used to read to me before I went to bed.

I also loved When we are Very Young by A.A. Milne. Who does not like Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore and Rabbit?

Funny that my favourites are primarily animals which human qualities.

I also really enjoyed the Famous Five series by Enid Blyton. One of these was the first chapter book I read on my own from cover to cover. Kids in control. Figuring out the mysteries without adult interference.

Trumpet of the Swan & Charlotte's Web both by E. B. White are also favourites.

All of these books were written before my time... classics even then. I don't think we had the same level of choice when I was a kids - early 1970's... or maybe it was just a small town, Northern Ontario library and only one decent bookstore - The Cobalt Bookshop - that was a good drive away. Either way, my book choices were somewhat limited.

7. Bullying is a major problem in the world today. It is often thought of as a childhood issue but as an adult I can assure you that it is alive and unwell on-line, social media, and of course in the workforce etc. It isn't just on our playgrounds and in our schools. Are you a bully? Have you been bullied? Discuss what you have learned.

I was bullied. Being an only child and being sensitive, I did not know how to deal with children my age who would tease and taunt. They liked my reactions and continued. I did not have anyone in my corner and my parents didn't get it. I did not like children my own age and they thought me a little odd. Being comfortable being alone and doing things on my own made me an oddity. I daydreamed a lot.

It was my favourite aunt's husband, my Uncle John, who toughened me up when I was around 12. He would tease me and get me crying but not in a way that tore me down... I am thankful for his tough kindness. I needed that. My mother did not not like him for that... but she did not realize how much I needed that. I needed to hear the teasing and rally with a comeback that would have us both laughing, eventually I could tease back and I no longer took it sooooo personally. He did it because he loved me.

Today bullying has taken a new level - cyber bullying. The level of cruelty has gotten out of control. The fact that people can hide behind a handle that is not their name, hides their identity and seems to give them licence to be even more cruel. Thoughts are written out - textual diarrhea. People need to stop and think - think how they would feel if it was directed at them... maybe then they might reconsider their stupidity.

What's wrong with spreading love and acceptance. I would prefer to pick people up and not rip them apart. The world is hard enough without adding a bombardment of negativity and hate.

Be kind to one another.... remember if you can't say (or write) anything nice, don't say (or write) anything at all.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 474

Do you think dreams sometimes can tell people what they have repressed? Did you ever have such a dream that made you go, “Ahha!”?
Alternate prompt: Did you ever get a phone call that changed your life?

The phone was ringing. Blaring out with an urgency that had me jumping and moving with a swiftness and grace that was not usual for me. I picked up the receiver and pulled in a calming breath letting it ease out as best as I could before forming the words that I hoped sounded relaxed and unconcerned.

"I am wanting to speak with Miss Devon, please. Is she available."

"Yes, speaking." I said, praying it sounded confident and calm.

"Miss Devon. It is Joshua Marshall. We have reviewed your proposal and portfolio that you left with us after your interview." My heart skittered to a stopped, my breath caught and held waiting, anticipating.... "We would like you to come back in for another interview."

My heart dove as I jerked in a gasp; then coughing to cover it up I struggled to find my calm before saying, "oh, yes. Certainly."

"Would you be able to come in tomorrow morning?"

Without missing a beat I told him yes.

"This is not our usual protocol, but we have narrowed candidates down to you and one other. I would appreciate if you could also come prepared to go if you are chosen. Do you understand?"

"oh... yes. I understand." My mind whirled wondering if I would need my passport and how much luggage would I need. Best to pack light and expect anything.

Mr. Marshall signed off telling me he looked forward to seeing me in the morning. I said a calm good bye and managed to keep it together until the phone connected with the receiver before jumping up and swinging my body into a dance of unadulterated joy. I was so close, I could taste the success of it. The air vibrated with the positive energy as I danced my way into my bedroom to make my packing decisions. On the way past my bureau I grabbed my passport. I had taken it out several days ago to make sure it was up to date and ready. I said a quick prayer of thanks for the small sweet voice that had urged me to check it.

I opened my closet and as I swayed to my internal happy dance, I made my perusal of choices. I decided to keep things fancy casual with a few pretty dressed that packed well, a few blouses and pants that could be dressed up or down depending on the situation. I added a few accessories to make anything possible and my underthings and a few beauty products. All of it fit into one small bag that could easily be put into carry on bunks. I was pleased with that. I slipped my passport into my purse and set everything by the door ready to go. After laying out my outfit for the next day's interview, I went in to take a bath and let my nerves settle into themselves. At first I let my mind skittered, then I managed to focus on my first interview and what went right. I breathed into the thoughts, then let them go relaxing back into the warm sudsy water. Tomorrow would come soon enough. Now, I needed to find the peace that would let me refresh and be ready.

(To be continued....)

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/852227-Favourite-Childhood-Books-Bullying--The-Call