Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/853207-My-view-on-Racism
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2032569
Maxed out on previous blog. As long as I am learning, my newbie is still showing
#853207 added July 3, 2015 at 9:32am
Restrictions: None
My view on Racism.
Recently I read a poem glorifying Trayvon Martin and was sicken.

Pick a non-criminal for your activism. Please. I saw this nonsense back in the 80’s. A prosecutor was trying to convince a mostly minority jury that everyone deserves justice even if he was a criminal himself. They didn’t buy it then, I don’t buy it now.

BLM people, please hold up the 9 Christians who were murdered senselessly to show that Black Lives Matter and not to let hate win. Ever since people were holding up the Trayvon Martins and Freddie Grays as the role models for ending hate, people got bucky and said: This is stupid. When you hold up criminals like the Trayvon Martins and the Freddie Grays, your cause loses credibility. Fast. If your neighborhood was threatened, if your head was being slammed against a cement surface, and you had the means and opportunity to protect yourself, you know you would. Police know better than you the history and rap sheet of the people on their beat. You can’t ask the police to put their lives on the line for you and then cry shenanigans when they protect themselves from attackers , and just because the culprit happens to have a dark skin color.

If people with a criminal history don’t want to be at risk of a police shooting, quit taking other peoples stuff, quit starting riots, quit shooting people in the face, quit selling and using illegal substances, quit raping people, quit crossing the border illegally, etc. It starts with pull up your pants and be respectful to authority figures. It starts with a code of ethics. It would help a lot if BLM people would quit throwing the race card and quit being offended at every little thing. Your attorneys are mostly white males. You are lucky they are used to being berated for being an attorney in law enforcement, otherwise you would be facing your fight severely outnumbered.

That’s all. I feel better now. I’m adopted into the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Don’t even think about throwing a racist card at me. I’ve heard it all before. I doubt you can come up with a unique counter argument.

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