Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855081-BC-Living-Life-at-Full-Throttle
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2032569
Maxed out on previous blog. As long as I am learning, my newbie is still showing
#855081 added July 22, 2015 at 8:23am
Restrictions: None
BC: Living Life at Full Throttle
Prompt: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw Do you agree?

This is so true. You do not have to find yourself, look in a mirror. "Finding yourself" was a cop-out from the 60s so that people did not have to go to church. Or be lazy and not follow their purpose in life.

But to create your life the way you want it to be, now that is spectacular.

You get to accept people for all that they are and all that they are not, which means the people in your life are free from constraints and are free to be.

You get to declare who you are to people and they either like it or they do not. If they like it, you have a new friend; if not, they are gone without too much time or emotion invested.

You get to follow whatever dream you create and gather the people around you that will make that dream happen.

You cannot chase down that dream if you are always questioning your actions or wondering if this is it.

Searchers will not find what they are looking for until they know what they are looking for.

Creatives have already declared what they want and are chasing down their dream. They may come across some roadblocks, but those will not stop them. They have the goal clearly in sight, and will gather people around to figure out how to get there. They will move heaven and earth to reach the goal.

That ability to love the life you have been given is the difference between living a life created and living a life reactive.

When you learn that lesson, life happens for you not to you. It's much better leading the band, than watching for mistakes.

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