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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/856642-Rainy-Day-Camping---Day-6
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#856642 added August 6, 2015 at 9:44am
Restrictions: None
Rainy Day Camping - Day 6
30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 6

For August 2015.

Oh, no it is raining and only 46 degrees Fahrenheit, it is only 7.77778 Celsius. Brother Nature (Joel) or Lady Carly - House Baratheon is this how you reflect the differences in temperature from Fahrenheit and Celsius. Try not to touch your tent celling or walls with your hands, it will leak wherever you touch. Laying in your sleeping bag in the rain tell me what other sounds do you hear in the woods around us? Did you notice the skyline before you settled in for the night? What did you notice around us today?
Someone cooked today, what did we have? What takes place when it is raining and you are cooking outside? Do you know what we need to do to adapt? Enlighten us all with your thoughts.
Friday, we are going to have an interesting day, bring your game face...

Only 8 degrees Celcius (we are rounding that sucker up!) that is awful [real time it is 16 degrees Celcius which is crazy for August - it should be close to 30 and I should be at the beach),

Anyway, rain has decided to torment us. Oh, how I hate the rain especially this cold icy kind. It soaks you through and there is no way to get warm even if you are able to strip. The tents are little help to provide protection but I manage to get into mine and peel off the layers of clothing. Since there is no place to hang them I put the whole mess into a plastic bag and pull on a dry set of clothes - with my sweat top and bottoms over the other layers I crawl into my sleeping bag to find some warmth. When my teeth stop chattering, or are at least not rattling so much I think I will loose my mind I grab my reading material and my notebook and pen. Might as well make the best of a closed in situation.

I lay there listening for the sounds but the heavy rain bombards me and nothing can be heard. I doubt anything will come into the camp.

When the rain ebbs off several hours later I awake from a little nap. I am finally feeling a little more myself, I don't relish the idea of venturing out beyond the confineds of my tent but my growling stomach rivals the local wildlife and I fear my camp mates may mistake me for something not so good.

This time I pull my rain poncho out of my back pack and struggle into it within the tight space of my tent. I am careful not to touch the tent. I open my tent and tentatively stick out my hand. It is only a light drizzle nothing too bad, so I work my way out careful to keep everything back away from possible moisture.

It is good to stand and I stretch. Elle - on hiatus is venturing out as well. We both point to our stomachs and laugh. We decide to grab a couple of apples and the fishing poles and see about catching some fish. With luck we will be able to and maybe Mother Nature (a relation of Brother Nature?) will take pity on us and let us light a fire to cook them.

"We could tr to find a cave to cook in." Elle - on hiatus suggests.

"Bears." I say and she nods.

Prosperous Snow celebrating pokes her head out of her tent and says "We could take turns holding an umbrella over the fire pit."

Elle and I both smile and nod at that. We leave her to gather up some dry bits of wood and kindling that someone, probably Fivesixer , had the foresight to cover up to keep dry.

While fishing we are joined by a few others who have ventured out. We take turns trying to catch some fish and by the time we return to the camp we have enough for everyone.

"I'll cook them." says skeason

We decide to have the rest of Lyn's a Witchy Woman 's potato salad with it.

We take turns with the umbrella and find ourselves singing more camp songs. Our spirits are lifted and by the time it is time to eat the rain stops. We huddle by the fire to stay warm.

ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy starts us off with another story and we take turns trying to scare each other again.

By the time we have to settle back into our tents for the night our bodies are warmed from the fire and the laughter. The camp is tidied and because the rain has moved off we are able to hang our wet things in the trees and bushes around camp.

It has been a pretty good day. Thanks to my camp mates and their sense of fun.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/856642-Rainy-Day-Camping---Day-6