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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/856665-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#856665 added August 6, 2015 at 3:45pm
Restrictions: None
Kind of an off day for me today. I suppose the weather has some to do with it, it's overcast and gloomy. There are a few raindrops falling on the patio, but I was back inside before they came. It's also hot and humid; muggy is the term I grew up hearing, but now days it seems like very few understand what muggy is.

Also, Rhonda is back to work today, so it's kind of lonely here. I have the two dogs for company, but they also seem to be subdued and out of it. Normally they would be pestering me off and on, but not today. It doesn't help that someone called in at work and Rhonda wasn't able to come home when she was scheduled, but that's pretty common at times. She's going to be beat by the time she does get home, about a twelve hour day for her.

I'm sure the ordeal I have endured this week is more to blame for my mood, it's been a very tough week for both Rhonda and me. Two trips to Sioux Falls for scans and tests, one on Monday and one on Tuesday. Sure we could have gotten room and stayed overnight, but we really can't afford it, especially with me not able to work right now. Also, we have the two dogs to care for, and it's just too hot for them to ride with and sit in the vehicle.

No answers yet, but that's normal. The scans and tests need to be read, then I can discuss the results with a surgeon and find out what direction we need to go. The waiting is hard. The not knowing what is going on is also difficult. So many questions, so few answers at this point. Of course, once the results are in, most of the questions will be answered. I'm just glad we know basically what's wrong, and what the most likely course of action will be. I either tore my hernia patch, or I have another below the original repair. I suppose it could be a combination of the two. Also, there are some problems with my gallbladder, which may have been haunting me for years now. Another week and we should know what's going on.

In the meantime, I have a lot of time to spend doing what? I'm off of work until after surgery, most likely. But, there's so little I can do at home now, too. There's plenty that needs doing, I'm just not able to do it! That too seems to be putting me out of sync. Mostly, I think, it's just the ordeal of the first part of the week. I got pretty dehydrated on Monday, then had to go without food and water again on Tuesday. Hours of sitting in the vehicle didn't help. The stuff they shot me full of for the scan took a toll, as did the medications they put me on thirteen hours prior to the scan. It was a big dose of medication in a short time, and it stopped as fast as it started.

What ever the cause, I just hope it passes soon. I don't care for this feeling down and unmotivated, especially when I have so much I can do. No, not around the house, but here, in WdC. I should be reading and reviewing, as well as going through my own items. Outside of the site, I have plenty of reading and exercises in editing and grammar I can work on. If nothing else, I could just pick out a good movie on Netflix and vegetate for a while.

The weather has turned, and it's even darker outside now. I guess I took the dogs out at the right time, since it's also booming and grumbling, and raining. I better check the weather forecast to see if we are in for severe weather, and then shut down my computer, if needed. I also need to go check windows, we don't need to have any rain coming in.

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