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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#857762 added August 18, 2015 at 8:42pm
Restrictions: None
Day 18 - Recouping for a Virtual Hike & Beginning My Day
30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 18

We will be staying put at Indian Creek for another day so we can do some exploring and our tender butts can rest from the ride before we continue on. Today it will be in the high fifties, perfect hiking weather. We are off to Sheepeaters Cliff. There are excellent examples of basalt for those who have an interest in geology. For those who are interested in native wildlife, marmots are native to this area. It is a great hiking experience for all levels, nothing strenuous today.
This video will show you what we will studying today on our adventure, lots of great photo opportunities.

Well, once I open my eyes and resettle into my body I realize I need to do some serious stretching this morning. My butt is tender... I'll not be sitting much today, I tell ya.

I pull on my clothes, while still in my sleeping bag - I am getting very good at this. I crawl out of my tent, careful to rezip that sucker so I don't come back to find any unwanted visitor or the bug or snake variety. Once I stand, slowly I might add, I stretch up and smile at the smile that is just cresting the horizon. It is a beautiful morning... chilly but nothing too bad. I am tempted to start the coffee, but I know a session of yoga is in order before I fold myself into a cup of java.

Most of the yoga moves I do this morning are standing poses and it is not long before I am joined by a few other sore souls. We move from one pose to another with barely a word. Calm tranquility. After about half an hour I am ready for coffee. Lyn's a Witchy Woman has already put the the coffee on and the aroma wafts through the campsite. It stirs the senses and draws a few more of our party out into the morning chill.
Breakfast is a couple of packages of oatmeal with a banana mushed up into it. It doesn't look too appealing but it hits the spot. I am hungry. I barely remember eating last night I was so tired.

Today will be more leisurely. Hiking the area. The Sheepeaters Cliff sounds intriguing. I have my camera, my notebook and sketch book ready to go, as well as a few power bars and my water backpack. Sunblock and a hat are also applied and I am ready to go.

When men and women tell tales around evening campfire, a sure sign of success is when the audience says then what...
Here's your opportunity for a then what moment....

Blog City – Day 531

Prompt: How do you begin each day? What is the best way for anyone to begin each day? View this from any angle that you wish.

How I begin and how I want to begin are different...
I begin with a slow drag out of bed,
Followed by a weigh in on the bathroom scale,
That has me cringing and grumbling.
I move downstairs to weigh in on my Wii
And do a tiny bit of activity
Sometimes I do some yoga on my Wii
I feel good when I do
But I don't do that enough...
Then it's a big drink of water
Followed by coffee
Before I settle in with my laptop on my lap.

How do I wish my day began?
Not so very different, I suppose
Though I would prefer the scale to dip lower
And my getting up to be more upbeat
I would prefer to do at least 20 minutes of yoga
As I take in that large drink of water.
The coffee would follow
Along with a healthy breakfast
More protein than carbs
Followed by a walk to get the juices flowing
Upon my return, I would settle in to write
First my 750 words - a form of Morning Pages
And a chance to blog
Then once my blogs are posted...

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