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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/858290-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#858290 added August 25, 2015 at 6:18pm
Restrictions: None
I'm not doing so well at writing in here every day, but that's life keeping me busy. I'm going to have to knuckle down and try and get something in here.

The weekend flew past for a change. Normally, both Rhonda and I work on the weekends and they creep by so slow. Of course, weekends are always busy, and they usually are longer days for both of us. But, for the time being, Rhonda has weekends off, and until I go back to work, I have every day off. It's looking like I'll be going back soon, but it will be limited for a while. I meet with the doctor on Thursday and find out what they found in the biopsy. Hopefully, it's all good news. Also, they may shoot me full of dye and look at the function of my gallbladder to see if it's needing to come out.

I'm feeling better, or at least I have been the last few days. I got the grass mowed down, but it's going to be cut again soon. It's been two weeks for the area around the house, and three weeks for the east side of the yard. The grass was two foot high in some areas, more in the ditches and a little less around the house, but lets just average it at two foot. I had to put the mowing deck up as high as it would go, drive it very slow, and only take a half a swath at a time. Even cutting it like this was plugging up the deck at times, and it looks terrible. Not just the grass discharge but the lawn isn't cut even. It was just too high and too wet to cut it good.

But, it should dry out pretty well now, and if I get it mowed again this weekend, it should look pretty good. There were still a few places that were just too wet to mow, and still some standing water in the low areas. I hope it doesn't rain for the rest of the summer or fall. It's funny how the farmers keep saying we need more rain, but there's standing water in the fields around here, and still some roads that have not been above water for years. Of course, it's not just the rain, it's the weather in general they are never happy with.

For instance, I just heard on the radio that the local corn predictions for us indicate we are ahead of schedule on maturing. It seems the corn is growing, and ripening faster than what is normal, and it's looking like it's going to be a great harvest. After the report, the weather came on, and some lady giving the markets said that we are in need of hotter weather. It's been terribly hot, but cooled down the last week. Even so, it's still getting into the seventies during the day, but dropping down to the lower sixties at night, maybe even a few upper fifties. So, this lady is complaining we need temperatures in the eighties and nineties for the corn. Didn't they just say the corn was maturing faster than normal and it's looking like a bumper crop? Sure they did, I just heart it.

That's the way it is around here, it seems they are never content. Me, I'm loving the cooler weather and just wishing it would dry out a bit more so a person could mow without dodging frogs all over the yard. At least it's not as wet as it was a few years back when we had a muskrat take up residence in the ditch. Yes, they build along the banks of lakes, slews, and rivers. Yes, the ditch was standing water, and it was big enough and deep enough for a muskrat to swim in. I think I have a picture or two of the critter sitting there.

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