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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/859297-Being-Daring-Fears-Teenage-Lies-Paris--Pets
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#859297 added September 5, 2015 at 10:55pm
Restrictions: None
Being Daring, Fears, Teenage Lies, Paris & Pets
Welcome To My Reality - Week Eighty - Nine
August 31th - September 6, 2015

2. What is the most daring thing you have ever done? How did you feel about it afterwards? Would you ever do it, or something like it again?

The most daring thing I have done has probably been to ride a roller coaster. My uncle tried for many years to get me to go but I refused, but then when my friend Michelle asked me to, I went for it - there is something about Michelle that makes me trust that I can handle it. We did not do it in small measure. We went to Canada's Wonderland. My first coaster was a wooden one - and I managed to catch someone else's hat between my knees when we went through a tunnel. My second coaster was about a half hour line wait and it was on the standing coaster - a metal one. I liked it much better. Those wooden ones are pretty dumbly tumble. These days I stick to the metal coasters and I love them just as much as I did in my early twenties.

I love the exhilaration. I don't like the initial climb. One of the best coasters is The Hulk at Universal Studios in Orland. It starts up the first climb then jerks you up - taking the build up of 'oh my God what am I doing'. out of it.

3. What is the one thing you are most fearful of, and why?

Skydiving. You have little to no control of the situation. That is not my thing. I can't feel safe in that situation.

Heights are right up there too. Looking over the edge of a cliff or tall building sends my butt into prinkles of nerves. I will look over but I will white knuckle it and hold on to something.

Both are related to loss of control and the fear of falling.

4.When you were a teenager, what is the worst thing you ever lied to your parents about? Did they ever find out the truth? if so what were the consequences? If not, did / do you feel guilty about it?

I don't remember lying to my mother much as a teenager. I got caught in a lie when I was six years old - telling my mother I was eating my sandwiches when in fact I was putting them in my toy box. I got found out because of the smell. Since my mother was fit to be tied, I decided not to push her.

When I was a teenager, my father had just died so I tired to be a good daughter. I just wanted my space and my mother wasn't used to closed doors.

I did drive home late one night when I told my mom I was going to be staying with friends - no biggy, except I hit a icy patch on the road and had to be dug out of the ditch by a kind man and his son. I never told my mom about that until I was 25. I was probably 18 when it happened. I didn't want her to worry or take away my car privileges.

5.If you could choose one location anywhere in the world to go to, to write, where would it be and why?

Paris. I have always been fascinated with the expatriot writers of the 1920's - Hemingway, Fitzgerald, even our own Morley Callaghan for a short while. Writing in street cafés. Soaking up the atmosphere. Listening to the conversations of Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. That to me was the life. They are all gone now... but the ghosts of their past lives live there in the old foundations of the city. I would love to spend my days writing in those same cafés and haunting the aisles of the Shakespeare and Co. Bookshop.

6.What is the one thing that brings you the most joy, above all others?

This is two fold. I love quiet moments when I can read or write on my own, but I also like spending time with my family - we have lots of laughs!
This covers both sides of my personality. The need to recharge with quiet reflection and the need to be social and surrounded by love and laughter.

7.If you own a pet, what is it? Is it just a pet or part of the family? If you don't have a pet, why not? Would you have one if you could? Why?

Until a couple of years ago I had a cat. When I was born we had a grey Persian. Beautiful cat. My dad thought she would need to go when I came along, but it turns out she loved to guard me when I played out in my sandbox. Whenever the dog next door got close she would chase him.
She picked up some bad habits of crapping out of her box and my mother gave her away. Then changed her mind, when we went back she was gone - run away. My mom regretted giving her away.

It was not to long before we went into the New Liskeard pet store. Mom said we were only looking, but $2.50 later we walked out with a new tri-coloured kitten and she was with us for almost 21 years.

I made it a couple of months before I bought my next kitten. Another tri-coloured girl - she was a Whopping $69.95. Like Kerry, she was worth every cent. She was my baby. She used to sing opera in the furnace room. Crazy wee girl. I had her 17 years before she got mouth cancer and I had to put her down. That was hard.

All of them were family and will be missed.

My husband does not like cats. He tolerated Kelsey. I have also developed an allergy -which is so unfair. I get my cat fix when I go to my Mom's (she has 2) or my Aunt's (she has 2).

I have also been know to go into pet shops and pet the cats there.

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