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Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #2060225
Everyone's personal fears suddenly become real and deadly at Evergreen Assisted Living.
#861991 added October 6, 2015 at 6:54pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2 Part 1
Chapter 2

Bxer Gner’s ship fell into Earth’s atmosphere despite Bxer’s efforts. The ship simply would not respond properly. Thankfully he did have some flight control inside Earth’s atmosphere. He could glide his ship to a location of his choosing, but he would have to decide quick. He pulled up a map and typed something into the computer. The map shrank and he thought about the image for a moment. It wasn’t the best location but it would have to do until help came. If it ever came.

He pulled up another screen that showed an image of the ship. Most of it was blacked out. One section was still working. He could heal in there and pray that the ship would keep the people of this world out. He punched in the information the computer needed to land. It wouldn’t actually land, he knew, he was going to crash. He had to move quickly if he wanted to live. He activated his ships defenses in hopes that the x-waves would effect humans the same way it effected his people. If it did, he would not be disturbed for a very long time.


“But I saved it for you”, Mr. Baily said. “I really need you to see it because it was really a good BM and I don’t want third shift to give me any laxatives tonight”.

It was the same story with Mr. Baily every night, Carl thought. It wasn’t just Mr. Baily. Many of the residents had a fascination with their bowel movements. People just reached a certain age and then suddenly decided that if they didn’t have a poop every day then doom was sure to follow.

“Mr. Baily”, Carl said for the 1,000th time since he knew Mr. Baily, “it’s okay to have a BM once every three to four days. You really don’t eat much and your digestive system processes your food much slower than it did when you were younger.”

“What?”, Mr. Baily said. “I can’t hear too well out of my right ear, you know”.

“Yeah, I know”, Carl said. “I’ll go take a look at your BM”. It was usually easier to just give in so you can get it over with, Carl thought.

“Okay, thanks Carl. I’ll head on down there and you can see that it was really a good BM”.

“You got it, sir”, Carl said. As Mr. Baily left, Carl took a look at his med book to see who needed meds next. At the moment it looked like he was caught up for the next thirty minutes…so he had time to look at an awesome BM. Whee.

Carl picked up his nurse cell phone off his desk and put it in his pocket. He picked up the med-keys off the med-cart and placed them around his neck.

His phone suddenly rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open. “This is the med-room, Carl speaking”.

“Hey, Carl, this is Lisa, you have some meds over here”.

“Ah, I see. Okay, on my way”.

Carl walked over to the front desk and waited for Lisa to get off the phone. Carl always thought she was very attractive but he never asked her out. He was afraid that Julie would find out and then he’d never have a chance to ask her out. Of course, Carl thought, she is seeing our dick of a childhood friend…but that’s gotta end at some point. Right? I mean…he’s a dick!

“What?”, Carl said suddenly realizing that Lisa was talking to him.

“Who’s a dick?”, Lisa asked.

Carl had to admit. Lisa was beautiful. Why was he waiting for Julie? Why not just ask Lisa out?

“I’m sorry, I was saying I forgot to bring my Bic. My pen. Do you have one?”.

“Yeah”, Lisa said handing him hers. “I don’t know why we can’t just take the meds to you. I wouldn’t mind”. She batted her eyes at him. Yeah, he wouldn’t mind if she dropped by.

“Hmmm…nurses are licensed by the state to handle other people’s medications among other things”, Carl said. “Evergreen just wants us to be responsible for the meds from the front desk to the med-cart.” You know, Carl thought, this would be a good time to just ask her out. At the very least it would make him look more confident to Julie and he could ask out Julie after she broke up with that dick-breath of a boyfriend.

“Say, Lisa”, Carl said signing for the medications, “Did you hear that ‘Visions’ is out?”.

“Oh, yes! I really want to see that movie!”, Lisa said taking back her pen brushing her hand against his for a moment.

Now is my chance, Carl thought as he sucked in a breath of courage.

The doors and windows on the south side of Evergreen Assisted Living suddenly exploded. The sound reached Carl’s ears but only a fraction of a second later the heat and pressure from the blast wave moving through the building tossed Carl violently shoving him out the front entrance of the building and up against the FedEx truck outside. He blacked out.

When he woke up, seconds later, he heard screaming. He opened his eyes and saw several people on the ground outside. He turned to the entrance of the building and saw several people on the ground in there as well. Oh boy, he thought. I don’t think we have a procedure for this. Usually one person on the ground would necessitate an Incident Report, a Fall Follow Up Report, a Notification of Physician Report, a phone call to the RN on call and a call to the family member. And that usually took thirty minutes for just one fall. This looks like a couple weeks of paper work, Carl thought.

He got up and walked inside. Where was Lisa? The front desk was just a splintered mess of wood and paper.

“Lisa?”, Carl called out. No response. He started digging through the piles of debris and found her quickly. He slipped on her blood as he tried to remove the bits and pieces of her desk that covered her. Carl stopped digging when he removed the last bit of debris that was covering her head. There was no head. Oh, Carl thought. I really should have asked her out.
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