Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/865416-Jesus-was-a-Pisces--December-is-Sagitarius-
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2064270
Where do non-bible folks fit in?
#865416 added November 8, 2015 at 1:29am
Restrictions: None
Jesus was a Pisces .. December is Sagitarius .
If you believe Jesus is a Pisces,
then you should celebrate his birth in March
or April.
Jesus would not want you to buy a flat screen
Blue/Ray T.V.
If you knew Jesus he would not support the
commercialization of his birthday.
For mercy sake stop shopping like savage gladiators.
Why not make a donation to a charity?

I send money to Plan Parenthood every Christ-Mass.
I pray for the day when there are less frantic Black Friday
holiday shoppers.

Stay home with your families!
That's what Jesus would want.

Santa is a Ho-Ho for Coca-Cola.

My dad gave me $50.00 dollars one X-Mass.
He said, "Your too old for toys."
I was 35.
I bought some sneakers ..
I burn out sneakers every 3 months in retail.
I loath Christ-Mass shopping.

But, I like to ride around at night in my white van and
admire all the X-Mass lights.
One year a Lady shopper grabbed me by the collar and
asked me where the Rudolf Illuminated Lawn Rein Deer was.
I said, "I'll check the stock room."
I took a hour lunch break .. She was still shopping,
and spotted me,

"I spoke to your manager. You should be fired!"

"Ho-Ho. Go stuff a stocking bitch" I thought.
"I am most terribly sorry. In all the confusion I forgot you."
I answered with a Cheshire Cat smile and vanished.

Stay home on Black Friday .. It's a waist of time.
And the sales clerks hate you. :)

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/865416-Jesus-was-a-Pisces--December-is-Sagitarius-