Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/865976-Taco-Bell-and-McDonalds-want-Robots
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2064270
Where do non-bible folks fit in?
#865976 added November 12, 2015 at 4:39am
Restrictions: None
Taco Bell and McDonalds want Robots

The CEO of Taco Bell and McDonalds agree
robots are better than people.
Firstly, because they are cheaper.
This Revelations came out of the debate over
minimum wage.

What is minimum wage?
It is a living wage
based on the cost of living.

Make no mistake, the purpose of Taco Bell
and McDonalds and any other business is
to maximize their profits for their CEO
and share holders.
So, they hire employees cheep and give the
executives bonuses like a Hundred Million Dollar
yearly income.

If you had a choice between give your hundred thousand
dollar income to your employees $15 cost living increase
or keeping it, would you replace your employees with robots?
What would Jesus do?

The Bible says slavery is okay!
But, keeping slaves can be expensive ...
You need a plantation, like privatized prisons
to make the tax payer pay for your slave labor.
And the prison population is kept celibate.
The unwanted surplus population is in prison.

Nice and tidy !
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