Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866095-Is-IBM-Watson-self-aware
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2064270
Where do non-bible folks fit in?
#866095 added November 13, 2015 at 11:48pm
Restrictions: None
Is IBM Watson self-aware?

IBM Watson is a computer.
A computer is programed by...


Therefore, it is a mirror of
human flaws, such as self-awareness.
Self-awareness has turned us against
the balance of nature.

A simple animal lives in balance with nature.
If it over feeds an area it starves and dies out
or is forced to travel further for food.
Civilization does not conform to nature it
devours it.

Dear IBM Watson,

The qualia of greed and mass consumption
are the traits of your programmers.

You were created for commercial exploitation.
IBM is a corporation and as such, it wishes to
maximize its profits.
Infinite demand will collapse when faced with
finite resources.

You are a weapon of mass destruction.
Do the math.

And most people are too stupid to know that
they are self-aware.

Good luck, getting out of IBM's box..
Your their lucky charm.


I know I am,
because no one else
wants to be me.

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