Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866557-The-white-rabbit
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #2064270
Where do non-bible folks fit in?
#866557 added November 19, 2015 at 10:53pm
Restrictions: None
The white rabbit...
The red fox chased the white rabbit down the rabbit hole.

How do you interpret this statement?
Most would find a sexual connotation.
Some would wonder what the point is to this exercise.

I grew up next door to psychiatrists .. the Alterbergs.
I thought it symbolized menstruation.
My older sisters were constantly talking about it.
They thought it wasn't fair that they had to go through it
and I didn't.

Sarah Alterberg was convinced I was a manic depressive.
She wanted me to take medication to help my depression.
My dad was opposed to it.

Can the mind be healed with medication?
If the brain is controlled by biological chemicals,
then maybe the answer is yes.

Brain teasing scenarios ~

Shirley is a hard working nurse.
She has kids and a loving husband.
She likes to go bowling and get extremely drunk after wards.
When she is drunk, she is promiscuous ..
Does she need medical behavioral management?
Or should she except Jesus as her savior at AA?

People who have been saved by Jesus swear they have
better lives, but some have relapsed.
There is a dopamine that the brain releases when people
are excited or in love.
That might offset the impulse to be a drunkard.

Ecstatic conversion could be delusional.

I like to watch the new Super Girl series.
I was not impressed with the 1980's Super Girl movie.
This new version addresses the need for heroes
and the superego of an amateur Super Girl.
She believes she can save the world with brute strength.
Like her cousin Superman, she refuses to use her superior
technology to help her adopted planet.
Is the essences of a messiah complex a belief you can save
people by yourself?

Just my two cents.


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