Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/868766-A-Great-Crisis-brings-Opertunests
Rated: E · Book · Entertainment · #2067964
The intervention of some creative object.
#868766 added December 18, 2015 at 4:19am
Restrictions: None
A Great Crisis brings Opertunests.

"Hey. Are you going to pay for this?" Carl asks.
The rear end of his Beatle Bug has been caved in.
"I can't. The Federal Reserve has raised the interest
rate %15 and I can't afford comprehensive insurance
on my Sherman Tank." Martin replied.

Carl calls the police. Officer Buster arrives one and
a half hours latter. "Your both libel .. This will raise
your insurance rates %20 percent." the officer explains.
Carl is livid, "I was at a stop light! When Martin hit me
with his Sherman Tank!"
"It don't mean a thing. Under the new insurance law ,
you are both guilty." Officer Buster hands out the tickets.

Carl bites his lower lip and takes his ticket.
He thinks about buying his own Sherman Tank.
It is legal to own military antique weapons.
It is also legal to purchase a bazooka ..
Carl drives over to a gun dealership and spots an
antitank Larze Shoulder missal launcher.
"Hey. Can I buy that?" Carl smiles at the gun dealer.

"Yeah. You just need to fill out this form." the sales clerk replies.
"How long will this take?" Carl queries.
The sales clerk smiles and flips her blonde hair, "As long as I like."
The background check is okayed by the FBI, in 30 minutes
Carl has his own shoulder missal launcher.
He feels safer.

Reflections: The moral objection to prohibition, is it is an
unwarranted limitation of human liberty and human
responsibility, preventing a practice which is not
evil in itself, as a means of preventing its abuse.


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