Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870540-Supper
by Twiga
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2069899
Changeling Fantasy about a young girl who gets swept up in a war between Fairy Nations
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#870540 added January 11, 2016 at 2:58pm
Restrictions: None
After leaving Tony Adella and Johnny took the long drive back to Burbank, with the three crystals around her neck and clutching her new booklet tightly, Adella and Johnny were very quiet the entire time.

Arriving at the Springfield House her Mom and Dad were overjoyed to see her.

"Oh my darling precious!" Said her Mom "How you feeling? Are you hurt?"

"A few bumps and bruises." Said Adella "But I'll live."

"Johnny I can't thank you enough for saving Adella." Her Dad said to Johnny

"Will you join us for supper?" Her Mom asked "I haven't made much, I've just reheated some leftover beef stew."

Johnny agreed to stay for supper and as they sat around and ate some stew, Adella thought about that delicious fairy gingerbread cookie and how would she ever be able to eat one of her Mom's gingerbread cookies after fairy cookies?

She looked over at Johnny who was enjoying her Mom's stew immensely she remembered what Johnny had said about Elves being a carnivorous hunter people.

After Supper Adella said "I'm no longer playing Clara, my understudy will."

"That's too bad." Said Her Dad

"I can always play Clara some other time." Said Adella "Has Mitzi been fed?"

"Oh my gosh!" Her Mom said "We've been so worried about you this whole time, we completely forgot about Mitzi! Normally you're the one who feeds her."

"I guess she is my one responsibility." Said Adella she then prepared Mitzi's food mixing a bit of beef stew with the car food and then headed upstairs

"Adella I'm leaving." Said Johnny "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night Johnny." Said Adella as he left.

When she reached her room she couldn't see Mitzi anywhere "Mitzi? Mitzi where are you?"

And a tiny meow came from under her bed

"Mitzi what are you doing under there?" Adella asked

Mitzi was like a giant puffball her fur was all puffed out, she wrapped her tail around herself and she was shaking

"Mitzi what has gotten into you..." Then Adella realized, Johnny was in the house, and Mitzi could smell him, and what Tony said about Animals not liking Elves was not some gross exaggeration.

"Here's your supper Mitzi, I'll leave it under the bed for you." Adella then sat on her bed and looked at her Booklet on how to cast the Familiar Spell.

For the Familiar Spell she would require no interruptions, she would need to draw a very complex pattern on the floor and among the ingredients she needed she would need three from wild animals.

"An Elephant's Tail Hair, a Bullfrog's Slime, with a Bald Eagle's Feather...Stir three time." Adella red the recipe in the sing song way the recipe was written. She stopped and thought

"The only place I could find an Elephant is at the zoo." She said "I think I have to gather these ingredients myself because there is no way Johnny can go to the zoo without causing every animal in the zoo to freak out.

She lay back on her bed, and thought about how she would do this...Could she possibly get the Zookeeper's to give her an Elephant's Tail Hair, a Bullfrog's slime and a Bald Eagle's feather if she said she needed them for a school project? Since it was Christmas Break that would be a bit of a stretch...Too Tired to think anymore she fell asleep

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