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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/872331-For-the-Monkeys
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#872331 added February 1, 2016 at 2:17pm
Restrictions: None
For the Monkeys

You've gathered a small group of the favorite people in your life together, (Your closest family members and most beloved friends.)
You've finally been able to gather them all together, and treat them to a meal at your favorite restaurant, (The restaurant you've raved about to them for the past many years.)
When you all arrive at the restaurant you're horrified to discover that ... ... ...

Robert turns to his sister and says, “It’s closed. I wonder why?” Jody walks to the door so she can read the large sign.

This establishment was closed due to a food poisoning outbreak.
If you have ingested food cooked on these premises in the last 24 hours please report to a hospital emergency room ASAP. An antidote for the poison is required.
Sincerely, the Management

Pointing at the large windows in the front of the building Robert says, “Look at all the skull and cross bone signs.”

“Come on Robert,” Jody yells excitedly. “We ate here yesterday. So did Jess and Rita.”

They all pile into the cars and rush to the nearby emergency room. When they reach the emergency room they find standing room only.

Robert approaches the receptionist desk. “We just came from “Steaks For Living,”” He explains. “ We read a sign that says if we ate there in the last 24 hours we need and antidote for a poison that was in the food.”

“Take a number, someone will be with you when your turn comes,” the nurse at the desk explains. Robert takes a number. The next number on the hook is number 150. Soon, a nurse with a clip board walks through the door. She calls out, “Number 10 please.” Then she says, “This is the last dose of antidote we have. The emergency room in the hospital on the other side of town has some antidote left. I suggest you all try to get there before it runs out.”

With one mind 149 people rush for the door. The first 10 to reach the door are trampled to death. Leaping over bodies 139 people hit the parking lot running. Car doors are slammed, engines are revved and automobiles go screeching out of the parking lot. As they turn into the street. Two cars don’t make the turn. They hold 5 people each. The crumbling metal of the cars as they crash is horrible. It jolts the other drivers into a little sanity. 129 continue forward toward the next waiting room.

In the next emergency parking area an orderly stands outside the waiting room doors with a clipboard. He yells to the mob exiting cars, “We only have 29 doses of antidote left. The rest of you will have to drive to the next town down the road. The hospital there has a new batch.” Some one in the crowd opens fire with a gun. Twenty people are shot and killed.

Cops stream out of the building shooting. The man with the gun is killed along with 7 bystanders in the crowd. The orderly counts off 29 of the people left standing and ushers them into the building. Robert and Jody are part of the 29.

Jody asks, “What happened to Jess and Rita? What about the other 72 people?”
Robert replies, “We will have to wait for tomorrow’s breaking news, to find out. Let’s go find a new place to eat.”

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