Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/873438
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #2074960
Learn how Harry Johnson's fate ends
#873438 added February 15, 2016 at 8:36pm
Restrictions: None
On August 22,, 2011, Dr. Butler called me to ask ,e if I wanted to work on my application for getting into Yale for Spring 2012. I told Dr. Butler, “First, I need to finish masturbating to this video of a white teenage girl being raped by two Hispanic males,” and Dr. Butler reminded mw to not jiz on my application.
Students at Great Ascendency were not allowed to take more than 2 courses at a time, but, while still working at my internship, I lobbied to take four: “Elementary Math Modules”, “Introduction to International Politics,” “Introduction to College Writing”, and “Intro to Sociology”. Taking these courses meant I would be excused form most of the programming, but realizing that I didn’t need most of the support of Great Ascendency, Dr. Linkins and Dr. Gore approved of his decision.
On Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, I had my classes; all day Wednesdays, I had my internship; so I only had Thursdays to work on programming and Therapy, which was all accommodated. I had broken the record for the most activities held by a Great Ascendency student, now I had to break to record of being the only student to have ever been kicked out of transition, but managed to reacquire the status.
At first, I thought the reason I enjoyed spending more time with Senator McFly was because I was not stuck with the Peronism of Great Ascendency, but I later realized it was because I only had to deal with the people I loathed on more seldom occasions, and I now go to spend time with more functional people.
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