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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#883176 added May 27, 2016 at 11:01am
Restrictions: None
Witches and Warlocks
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1647, Alse Young, a resident of Windsor, Connecticut, was executed for being a "witch." It was the first recorded American execution of a "witch." Nowadays, obviously this wouldn't fly...but the idea of witchcraft is still very prevalent. What's your opinion on this?

What did females in this country do to cause this song to be written and sung. We embraced the freedom this country offered. And, we continue to embrace freedom. Now, we are part of the military to serve and protect. Get over it guys. Females are equal. (*LOGOS INTERNATIONAL STUDY BIBLE: THE AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION) GENESIS 1:27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

As for Alse Young, I looked this particular person up in Wikipedia. org and sure enough there is the possibility that she was living on land that may have been purchased by her husband. It is likely that he may have died as he is not mentioned in the records at all.

The colonies were lacks about laws since many people came here to escape extreme churchianity that was rampant in Europe. Life in the colonies was difficult. Many settlers died of disease and maybe even overwork as they felled trees and built homes. that left land claimed by family men in the hands of women.

According to the only record I read she was the first of many women accused and executed for witchcraft and it set off a killing spree in New England.

I have read some historical facts about the Salem Witch Trials. It apparently was a female rout. If a women made an enemy because of her ability to hold land and not marry, she could be accused and usually killed.

There really are witch cults in the USA. However, as in every other culture and system it is usually the women who are accused while the males go free. In the christian church it is believed that only the males hold and wield power.

I believe people have abilities to influence others with psychology and mental electrical power. Because animals have their own type of intelligence they are easily influenced by mental power.

Some science is being explored as to the extent people can use mental influence on others. Brotherhoods and sisterhoods have people within them that practice influencing others with psychology and other mental games. I actually have seen supposedly prayer meetings where people were trying to influence others who were not there. One woman I know use to pray for people to go the church meetings and try to get others to do the same. Read some honest Church history. My zoology course had a catholic Doctor give us a demonstration of such types of power.

It is unfortunate that in a culture in the USA in the 21 century with all the knowledge we have available that the same fights that were being fought in the 11 to 18 centuries still are sometimes landing in the court systems. Men and women will still point their fingers and yell witch if they don't like you.

Also, it is a psychological fact that if someone accuses you over and over out loud you will eventually be fighting a losing battle against the accusations. Even if you are not guilty. I have a lot of situational experience in predicaments like this.

Trump is using this in the media against Clinton by pointing his finger and calling her a liar. Yet he does not enumerate his own lies which are many. The only real thing being held in depth against Clinton is the fact she is female. The psychological ideas behind every candidate in this election is extreme enough to be causing riots.

If I wanted I could take all three of these candidates and make a case against them as president. However, it is ridiculous to bother doing it. This country has need of a new leader so we are going to choose among those who have offered themselves. Then, we the people are going to see to it they do the proper thing. So, all you students reading for classes this summer make it count. The country needs your individual thinking abilities.

Some of the abilities people profess to use are being passed down in families by DNA. They are not necessarily a gift from God. Another thing, I believe the bible shows us that if it is spiritual is it used for good not bad? Are they trying to gain money, land, power? Or, are they trying to heal, put lives back together, restore a field to grow grain instead of weeds?

The Bible is intended to edify it is not a weapon to use in a hanging or drown witches. So the witch trials leave a lot to think about.

Information about cloning released in the early 2000's was being discovered in the 1950's. We are moving toward societal changes that will affect every human as we try to control and eliminate terrorism in all its forms.

Bye. I need to run my vacuum now. *Bigsmile*


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