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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/884144-Happy-Crow-and-Angelic-Muses
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
#884144 added June 8, 2016 at 9:53am
Restrictions: None
Happy Crow and Angelic Muses
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 822 June 8, 2016
"I heard an angel speak last night and she said: "Write!" Elizabeth Barrett Browning Do you ever feel like an angel has talked to you?"

This was an interesting prompt because while I believe in celestial beings, I don't think they've ever spoken to me, and certainly never commanded me to write. I tend to be at my most creative in times of trial and stress, writing has always helped me cope - so perhaps in a way, that is a sign of some spiritual intervention after all!

"Blogging Circle of Friends "
Day 1302: June 8, 2016: Prompt write a story or poem about The Happy Crow.

I had to google "Happy Crow" - because it seemed like an actual thing...what I found was a morality tale about a Crow and a Peacock. So here is my version/retelling of this old fable...

Crow was perched high up in her tree, enjoying the sunshine on her glossy black feathers and feeling at peace. Crow was content. Her forest home was wide and welcoming. One day, she looked down to see a graceful swan moving across the still waters of a pond. Crow was transfixed by the soft downy white of her feathers, so different from her own. Crow thought, this fine Swan with her lovely snow white color must be the happiest bird in all the land. She flew down to ask him if he was.

Swan told Crow that he believed he had been the happiest bird in the world until he had met a Parrot. The Parrot had vivid feathers of blue and green that were stunning to behold. Swan knew then that Parrot, not Swan, must be the happiest bird in all the land.

Crow set off to find Parrot. Crow found Parrot soaring above the jungle canopy. Parrot was indeed beautiful. Crow thought, this surely must be the happiest bird. She asked the Parrot and he solemnly replied...

"I once believed I could not be happier, that I had all I could ever want with my beautiful multicolored frock. Then I met Peacock. I only have two colors and Peacock has so many more. Her Feathers are magnificent. I knew then that I could never be the happiest bird in all the land."

Crow set off to find Peacock. She had to travel far and wide until at least she found him in a tiny zoo in the center of a large city. Crow approached Peacock and said, "Peacock, I am in such awe of your beauty! Surely you, with your lovely feathers in all the colors of the rainbow, must be the happiest bird in all the land."

Peacock gazed at the Crow for a long time. He finally bent his beautiful long neck and the delicate crown of yellow gold feathers on his head caught the fading light. Crow thought that Peacock did not look happy. He looked quite sad. Then Peacock spoke, "Dear Crow, I once believed I was the most beautiful and most happiest bird in all the land. My feathers rivaled all others but because of my beauty, I am trapped in this zoo. People come from all over to gaze at my feathers but I am not free to leave. There are many birds here, some are white like the Swan, some are multicolored like the Parrot. We are all colorful and we are all confined but you Crow, you are free. I think that must make you the happiest bird in all the land.

Crow looked at the Peacock, then up at the blue sky above, and knew he was right. Crow spread her glossy black wings and caught the currents and headed for home.

Link to the story that inspired this retelling...http://www.moralstories.org/happy-peacock-crow/

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