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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/886837-Games-Writing-In-Confined-Spaces--How-Do-You-Feel
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#886837 added July 8, 2016 at 12:34pm
Restrictions: None
Games, Writing In Confined Spaces & How Do You Feel
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Fun Fact Friday!
On this day in 1969, the United States Patent Office issued a patent for the game Twister. Do you and/or your family still play traditional board games? Is there a favorite in your group?

I enjoy board games... but I don't have to many family members that would play with me.... I guess I could ask. They probably would if given the option.

I remember playing Balderdash and Twister with my best friends in high school... we had a great time. I have also played trivia games with friends and had fabulous times.

Last NaNoWriMo, our half time party was at the Adventurer's Guild - it is one of those places that serves treats and coffee and even a few alcoholic beverages (if they have a liquor licence) and for a small fee you can play any of their board games. Some people go there regularly to play Dungeons and Dragons types of games - it was cool to see. My little group of writing misfits played Jenga - who knew how stressful that game can be... but we had an amazing time. We also played a word game... that I so got massacred on, but had a riot playing. I wish I could remember the name of it. I would love to go there again, but I would need to get a group together to make it more fun.

In my current novel I have my characters go to that same place for, at least monthly, get togethers with their group of friends. These types of places seem to be taking off in my area. Kitchener has at least 3 places I have heard of and Guelph has 2 that I know of... the Adventurer's Guild has been around since... July 22, 2014... it used to be the old used book store my Stepfather liked to go to.


As a teacher I have found a few games that help students with special needs learn social skills... and I have also had a game day once a week to teach turn taking and good game playing with my aspergers / high anxiety students. They loved it and so did my EA and I. We usually played Farkle and another dice game. Both were excellent at teaching strategy as well. I have since bought both games for my home collection but have yet in interest anyone in playing with me. I also have a mini version of Farkle in my purse... because I can play it alone.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 852

Let's try writing in a very confined space: A bathtub story. Your character/ or you are going to stay in this single, relatively confined space for your entry. Do you think you could write a good story with such restrictions placed on you? Have fun!

Just thinking about this give the heavi-jeavies. When I think about where I write... it is always in an open space. I did not even like to write in the space spare room because the extra clutter of bookshelves and another computer and desk was too encroaching. Right now I write in the biggest room in the basement... the rec. room. I also write at the dining room table where I can see outside as well as into the living room and kitchen... open concept is my thing. I like writing outside and in restaurants and cafe's. The Kitchener Public library is also a great place... up on the second floor where I can look out the huge window out onto the street and down into the magazine / cafe area of the library's main floor.

To sit in confined space I would not be able to use my laptop - it is a 17 inch. My Surface would be better, but I think I would have to resort to a notebook and even then.... I don't even want to think about it. I think my thoughts would reflect the space, kind of like my emotions of a sunny day or on an overcast day... I would be cramped and my writing would take on that feel.... I may try though... but not for my other blogs.

I may come back to add more to this....

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 10 - How Does It Feel: What You Put In Is What You Get Out

"There is nothing more important that how you feel. Those who have their health have everything."
"Most people don't do well because they don't feel well. they don't have the vitality to see their dreams through."

We all know that junk food and excess does not do our bodies any good. It often takes a health scare to get people motivated enough to do something about their situation. When we are on the brink of demise... we are then ready to take a stand and make a shift in our eating and exercising programs. "Loving louder includes loving our bodies enough to be proactive and fill our tanks with food that fuels us, instead of waiting for disaster to strike."

Real food actually gives us energy. It does not leave us sluggish and rundown. Preston says there "is nothing more important than how we feel from moment to moment, and those momentary feelings are greatly influenced by the food we use to fuel our bodies." I would add that is also influenced by the amount of activity we engage in as well. A walk can revive me when I am feeling sluggish. I may still be tired when I get back after an hour and a half walk, but the tiredness is different. It is from the workout, not the sluggishness of doing nothing. A day of doing nothing leaves me wanting to do nothing... and it also has me turning to unhealthy food choices or eating when I am really bored and not hungry at all.

Emotional eating is something that has plagued me as my marriage has crumbled. I have passed the number I never wanted to see... and gotten up into the numbers ten above it. I refuse to let myself go higher. I need to take control and make more conscious choices. I need to listen to my body. If I am tired, go to bed. If I am sluggish, take a walk around the block and see if I perk up. If I am hungry, take the time to consider what I want before going into the kitchen... that way I can avoid binging on crap as I try to find something to satisfy me. If I crave a treat, have it, but have only a small portion and savour the experience - don't wolf it down and overindulge. Stay active. Daily walks, swimming, riding my bike... these are all things I can do and I enjoy doing them. Even getting up to stretch after a writing session. Yoga is a wonderful thing... when I do it slowly and stay mindful in the process.

As Preston Smiles says, "We owe it to ourselves to consume things that give us energy, instead of processed junk that drains us."
As I read this I am also thinking about consumption in more ways than just food... anything we engage in is consumed - what we read, who we interact with and what activities we do. Consider those things as well and make those choices conscious. Ask 'Does this serve me me?'

Be mindful of what you put in your body's "fuel tank" today.
Before you put any food or drink in your mouth ask yourself: DOES THIS SERVE ME?
Awareness is the first step in creating a healthy, happy YOU.

© Copyright 2016 💙 Carly (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/886837-Games-Writing-In-Confined-Spaces--How-Do-You-Feel