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Rated: GC · Book · Romance/Love · #2090413
Three part serial for rounds 206 - 208 of Weekly Quickie
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#887577 added July 16, 2016 at 4:23pm
Restrictions: None
Part 1: Winter Solstice
Jill arrived at Luke’s home just as the sun disappeared below the horizon. The air was cold and crisp on her face and large soft white flackes were drifting down from the full dark clouds overhead. The bells on the holly wreath jinggled cheerfully as the opened.

A halo of golden light outlined Luke’s tall frame in the doorway. His dark hair hung in soft waves to his shoulders and his soft brown eyes lit at the sight of her. He took both of her hands in his and drew her into the warmth of the house. “I’m so glad you came.”

“Thank you for inviting me.” His voice still maintained the British accent he picked during his first graduate semester in London. It sent a frisson of desire through her.

“Jill, where are your gloves? Your hands are freezing.”

He cupped her hands between his to warm them. Bringing them up to his mouth he blew warm air between his hands onto hers. Jill’s lips part on a soft sigh as the frisson became a dull ache.

“I didn’t think I would need them between your house and the car.”

“You’re back in Pennsylvania Luv.” He unzipped her heavy leather coat and slid it from her shoulders, revealing a green silk blouse. “There is winter here.”

He enveloped her and drew her tight against him. Her large soft breasts pressed against his hard, muscular chest. She nestled her face into his neck and inhaled the scent of male cologne and body wash. He stroked her auburn hair with one hand and slid the other up and down her silk covered back.

“We should begin the rites of Solstice,” he whispered.

He slid an arm around Jill’s waist and guided her into the living room, turning off the music and lights in the room as he made his way to the fire place.
“Let us take a few moments in the dark to reflect on the events of the past year,” he announced. “Take time to assess where we are, where we were at this time last year, and where we wish to be next year. Also, take time to forgive those who have wronged us and to ask for forgiveness from those we have wronged.”

As he spoke the last sentence Jill thought of the past few months with Aaron. Hot tears pricked her eyes as she could not bring herself to forgive what he did or forgive herself for allowing it to happen. Luke cupped her chin and drew her against him. He pressed his lips to hers.

“He can’t touch you here,” Luke whispered. “I won’t allow it.”

“I can’t forgive him,” Jill whispered.

“Someday,” Luke assured her. He lit a small piece of charred oak log set it into the fire place.
The flames crackled to life as they devoured the new oak log. “Let us celebrate the rebirth of the Sun.”

He guided her to a love seat in the golden glow of firelight. Once she was settled, he turned the tree and music back on. Celtic holiday music filled the room with the ambience of bag pipes, guitars, and drums. He set two glasses of wine on the coffee table in front of the love seat.

Jill sipped the sweet golden liquid and examined the tree. It was dressed in white and blue lights. Different representations of various goddesses hung from hooks or strings from the green bows. The topper was the blue outline of a pentagram against a white circle. A heavy object being set on her thighs drew her attention away from the tree. Jill’s hands gripped the large wrapped parsel the boy placed on her lap. Luke settled beside her and picked up his wine.

“I left your gift at my mother’s,” Jill protested.

“You can give it to me Christmas Eve. Go on, let’s se what’s in there.”

Jill tore through the wrapping to find a large cardboard box taped shut with clear packing tape. Luke used the knife component of his Swiss Army knife to cut open the box. Inside lay a thin layer of white packing foam. Jill lifted it away to reveal a thicker pad with six figures nestled into six snug cubbies. Each figure was an angel with a different color set of wings, hair, and eyes. Each wore old fashion leather armor with a sword strapped to its back.

“The Arch Angels,” Jill whispered. She slid her hands over the ceramic figures with reverence. Her eyes blurred with tears as she looked up at Luke. “These must have cost a fortune.”

“Not when you use the bartering system,” Luke said. “I owe someone six very well constructed love poems. He wanted to make the seventh but I was not sure you would want it given the whole him being cast out.”

Jill set the precious gif on the coffee table and cupping Luke’s face in her hands drew him down for a kiss. Their lips parted and tongues entwined. His fingers slid into her hair and pulled her head back to deepen the kiss. He drew back and stared into her darkened eyes.

“Happy Solstice Eve my sweet, Jillian.”

Word Count: 866

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