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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/887876-What-Makes-Me-Happy-Two-Perspectives--Taking-Ownership
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#887876 added July 19, 2016 at 9:21pm
Restrictions: None
What Makes Me Happy, Two Perspectives & Taking Ownership
30 Day Blogging Challenge – July 19

Talk Tuesday!
What do you do to make yourself happy, while knowing it irritates others?

Well, I have been known to write to the point of burning a meal... or forgetting to start one altogether. I loose track of time when I write and others don't understand what the interest is or how I can spend so much time 'playing around' on my computer. Writing makes me happy.

I am also inclined to talk out my stories when I hit a part that is troubling me... the aural component helps me put things in a clearer light and listening to the various options clarifies the way I should go... this talking out loud is usually done when I am alone... often walking nature trails, but occasionally I get overheard and worry that I might be seen as odd.... that feeling quickly goes away... as I know this method works for me and my process.

Singing or whistling.... I have been known to do this without even realizing it. In Teacher's College, I had one guy comment that it must be the end of my day because I always came back to my locker humming some tune. He thought it quirky and fun... but I am sure others thought it odd. Who cares! I love doing it.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 863

Let's try an example in perspectives. I've provided two and you take it from there with which ever one works for you.

1. A young woman not ready to die
Sadie sat motionless. The doctor's words reverberating over her like cymbals clashing or thunder rumbling and roaring like a tempest. She could not wrap her mind around it. Cancer. A death sentence. Only months to live. Get your matters in order.
She raised her eyes to his and noted the concern that registered there. She had not heard incorrectly. She made her lips form the word and say it again. Her voice barely a whisper and he nodded, slowly, calmly as she felt the tears well. He moved to get her a Kleenex, but she blinked rapidly, forcing the tears to hold. Fighting to regain composure. She dragged in a breath, feeling it catch and forcing it out over the threatening sob.
She would not cry. She would not let it win. She straightened her back and pulled in another breath, steadier now.
"There must be something.... anything...." she began, but he merely shook his head and lowered his gaze.
She'd get a second opinion. This could not be the end. She was only twenty-seven. Life was only getting interesting.

2. An old man who is ready to die
Lying in bed, Arnold waited. He waited for the end. For the pain to stop, for his body to find its way out of the perpetual cramps of old age. To release life. He was ready to go. He had had ninety-seven years here on this earth. A full life.
He glanced at the photos over by his bedside. Family smiled back at him. Three sons and their wives. Grandchildren in various poses. Each capturing their personalities and whimsy. He could feel the love emanating from those photos. He could remember the times each held. Memories bathed him in a glow of a cherished love.
Beyond his door he could hear voices and he knew his loved ones gathered. He could feel their pain, mixed with his.... it was like a tonic. He knew his going would bring them pain, but it was the kind that would lessen over time... fade into memories and good times remembered. It was nothing like the full body ravaging that he felt now. This one grew, as each day moved ever so slowly into the next he felt himself battling to breath and stay, but he knew their would be peace if he let go.
Not wanting to see their pain of loss he prayed one final prayer. Asking to come home. Asking to release the pain and agony that gripped his weakened body. He asked that his loved ones not see him go, but that they found peace in his going.
He kept his eyes closed and slowly felt his life shrink from this earth. With each breath, shallower than the last, he lifted from his body and floated up. He felt the pain... let go... felt it release him. Thank you, he thought then turned toward the light.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 18 - Leasing With An Option To Buy: Ownership
"Until we take full responsibility for ourselves and our actions, we leasing our lives with an option to buy."

To love louder, "we must release ALL excuses and take ownership - acknowledging and accepting the choices we've made and the consequences of those choices." We may not be able to control the circumstances but we can control our interpretation of them and how we react and our view of our part in them. To go into blaming mode, puts us as the victim and it gives whoever we are blaming the power over us. Finger pointing gets you nowhere.

By taking ownership, we are able to take back our power and that allows us to DO SOMETHING about the situation.

"Whatever you are experiencing in life is based on you and nothing else. Your decisions can generate either great rewards or unwanted consequences. You can be the problem or you can be the solution; the difference is the choice to take responsibility for your life."

Identify an area of life that needs attention because you are unhappy with it. Write down three ways you caused it to happen or allowed it into your life.
Then write one action step you're commented to completing within the week to begin the process of taking ownership in that area.

© Copyright 2016 💙 Carly (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/887876-What-Makes-Me-Happy-Two-Perspectives--Taking-Ownership