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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/888029-Non-Medicinal-Advice-Yacht-Trip--Powership-Questions
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#888029 added July 21, 2016 at 12:44pm
Restrictions: None
Non-Medicinal Advice, Yacht Trip & Powership Questions
30 Day Blogging Challenge

The Wildcard Round! Today's winner, selected by Virtual Dice, will receive a Medical MB! (I know...I still have to get to last week's winner... .)
What is the best (or worst) non-medical advice you've ever received for an injury or an illness?

I'm not even sure about this one. Hot water and lemon for a cold. Oil of oregano to keep colds at bay. That one seems to work and I can still take it when I take my blood pressure medication.

I took effervescent Vitamin C tablets to kill off a really bad cold in only a few days. It was a wing dinger of a cold. It worked like a charm. Two days and I was back up and functional without having to take a lot of that other medicinal crap.

Drinking water to keep my body hydrated and everything moving, if you know what I mean.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 865

Prompt: If you had a chance to sail the seven seas on a yacht for a year, who would you take with you? What countries would you stop to visit? Would it be a peaceful trip? Write about this anyway you want.

I'm not sure if I would like this or not. A boat in the middle of nowhere. I like seeing land and not having to deal with bad weather that could potentially sink us... but this is hypothetical and in that no bad things happen. If all was well... where would I go and who would I take? I would say an experienced sailor... of none I know, but in keeping with no mishaps. I would probably take my friends - Candy and Michelle.... maybe Debbie as well. We'd have a lovely cruise. See the sites. Where would we go? I would say someplace warm as I like to swim... and not have to go in cold water.... the Caribbean, I think. explore all the islands.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 20 - Powerful Questions Call For Powerful Answers
"If you' are not inspired by life you're living, it may be because you're not asking yourself high-quality questions...Quality questions create a quality life."

This is not something I even considered until I read this chapter and came to understand.

"Loving louder is about consciously asking questions that push us forward, challenging us to see through a different lens."

Whenever you ask a question either out loud or in your mind, your 'mental computer' responds with an answer based on a key set of words. So a disempowering question like, "What's wrong with me?" will look for all the ways and reasons that supports that question - giving you the ways and reasons for what is wrong with you.

According to Smiles, you can ask questions that reinforce negativity, pessimism, and a victim mentality or questions that empower, energize, and replenish that untapped well of positivist inside of you, which in turn creates opportunity and possibility.

Here are some examples of empowering questions:

What am I most grateful for right now?
Whom do I absolutely love? Who loves the crap out of me?
What am I most excited about in my life right now?

What am I committed to right now?
What's my intention for this moment?
What am I most proud of in my life right now?

How did whatever I experienced today (whether positive or negative) serve me?
What worked and what didn't work today, and how can I improve?

What is my sight now allowing me to see?
What good is here that I presently cannot see?
What would love do now?
What's the highest choice in this moment?
Will this matter three years from now?
Am I taking this too seriously?
Am I present right now?

I love these questions. They put.a positive spin on your thoughts and keep you present and accountable. Your are taking responsibility and ownership for your thoughts and they are propelling you rot action.

Preston Smiles suggests making these part of your daily routine and post the questions up where you can see them everyday. We can be empowered or disempowered by the questions we ask ourselves each day. By being present and aware of our self talk we can stop the disempowering flood of questions and rework them to be empowering. Preston believes "you'll open yourself up your capacity to love louder, bringing more excitement, joy, harmony, and gratitude into your life." And who can't use a little more of that?

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/888029-Non-Medicinal-Advice-Yacht-Trip--Powership-Questions