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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/888198-Welcome-to-my-reality---Six--
Rated: 18+ · Book · Opinion · #2086593
Daily scribbles on writing and living. How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. CLOSED.
#888198 added July 23, 2016 at 6:46am
Restrictions: None
Welcome to my reality - Six -
"Welcome To My Reality Forum [E]

18. Describe your favorite season.

Wintertime and Spring would be my favorite seasons of the year, although I am very glad that we have four seasons here in Europe.

The seasons cover the whole range of weather developments throughout the year from rain and wind in Fall, snow and ice in Winter, blossom and buds in Spring and hot sunshine in Summer. That way the seasons are never boring.

Every day has its unique presence, not one day is the same weather wise. What I like most about our climate is the accumulation of clouds.

The cloud forming in our country by the North sea is quite astonishing and subject to many paintings of old masters and photographs. The combination of lots of rain and the wind from the North Sea gives this special effect which is not comparable to any other sky anywhere else on the planet. I love clouds, specially in Spring and Summertime when they form all kinds of crazy objects in the sky. Laying in the grass feeling the breeze and looking up at the clouds is a favorite pass time of mine. I feel very connected with the earth when I do that. It feels safe and secure to watch that cloudy roof over my head.

In wintertime the year is ending, we hope for snow and crispy sunny days and stay indoors with warm chocolate drink and a good read. In Spring we enjoy the first sunshine outside and the opening of the buds; the flowers, plants and trees are just getting to get acquainted with a new year and so is the new offspring of birds. I love that!

20. Tell me about your Mother.

My mother’s name was Elisabeth, but everybody called her Lies. She was born in "Invalid Item and died of lung cancer at the age of 64. I loved her dearly although we had a somewhat difficult understanding. I was her first born.

She was a women with a great passion for life. She choose to walk a lot and participate in the Four days of Nijmegen every year for years, where she would walk 30 kilometers a day for a whole week and get a medal. During the year she and her group would exercise every week to get ready for the big event. She choose also to start a course in English grammar in her sixties. I found the proof when cleaning out her desk at the attic of the old house after she died.

She was a very beautiful woman of small build with fine hands and feet. A real Asian type of woman, looking more and more like a little Chinese when aging. We teased her about that. She only smiled her mysterious smile. She kept a lot private, although she could be very talkative when she felt at ease. But she had a difficult life with my dad: although they we’re very much in love they quarreled every day for their entire marriage.

Her great passion was Nature. She loved being outdoors looking at plants and watching birds. She and my dad had a passion for biking holidays aswell.

Fortunately I have a lot of old photo’s of their vacations in several countries stashed on my computer to watch. When I have time I will go through them with pleasure.

She died too young sixteen years ago.

22. Tell me about your Dad.

My "Dad [E] was a difficult man who became milder when aging.

He was a man from the province of Limburg, down South in my country, from a town and area with its own dialect. When he was on the phone with his family he would talk funny, we then could hardly understand his speech.

I take after my father in many ways. He was a great learner and very intelligent although he never finished his study in Economics because it was a difficult combination with a fulltime job and raising a family of five. In his youth there was no money for university, although he had the brains. So he wanted to join the fraters (monks) of Franciscus of Assisi so he could have an education. But when they told him he had to be celibate his entire life he answered ‘I will come back when it’s possible to have two sets of slippers under the bed’. He declined.

He was a God fearing man who liked going to church every Sunday. He read the bible from time to time among all the other things he read. And he read a LOT. His book collection was famous. He also read the newspaper every day from cover to cover. He loved classical music and read about that also. He loved to go to classical concerts.

He died very sudden of an aneurysm. It’s been more than 7 months now and I cherish my "Memories. The computer I am working on is his. So in a way I am reminded of him every day.

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