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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889170-mucho-picante
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#889170 added August 3, 2016 at 11:12pm
Restrictions: None
mucho picante
Prompt : Day 3, Dia trez? Visit UNESCO -listed cities of Avila and Segovia on a day trip from Madrid. Tell us about what you saw, what kind of food did you choose?
         Whew, it sure is hot here in Spain!! The air-conditioned bus was a welcome luxury. Sometimes, I feel like a melting snowman, er, I mean snow woman. Being a pasty - skinned Canadian, I could probably pass as one. Swooning in public is not my style, but I could manage a brief flirtatious faint if Senor Banderas appeared in the vicinity. I could sip some cold agua (water) should he hold it to my lips. Oh, I sure hope I'm not drooling, or babbling when this happens. I almost anticipated pack mules, or donkeys today. I don't miss the segway. It's not the way I usually roll. Yawn, stretch ....sitting idle on the bus causes me to daydream.
         Staring out the window, I marvel at the blurred colours, the tapestry of greens, golds, browns, and blues. Some of us can't resist and we belt out camp songs. The tourists on the bus go snap, snap, snap . ... Our cameras never rest. All I hear is "oooh, look at that", "Did you see that?", "I can't wait to write about this."
         Approaching the walled city of Avila took my breath away, it was spectacular. I've never seen a city as a fortification before. I can see it successfully repelling any attack.It was as if I'd been teleported back to medieval times, and, no, I'm not talking about the tacky restaurant/jousting knights experience . It was easy to envision the knights of the round table, or the three musketeers , or even Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I swear I heard cocoanuts clopping, and a bantering guard. Where were the swallows, and the insults, and the giant trojan rabbit? Oh, right, this is Spain, so Montoya from Princess Bride? Yes, I expected to see swashbuckling, and sword play.....
         Wow, this city is gorgeous. I enjoyed the chance to stretch my legs and explore. There is a great deal of rock. It's almost like the Canadian Shield back home.The Avila Cathedral and the Basilica de San Vicente are works of art. Every builder must have been a craftsperson . The ceilings soar and sweep overhead. To think they were erected without cranes , building permits, unions , environmental impact studies, etc.
         Departing Avila, we stopped for a photo op at Cuatro Postes, or Four Posts. The sky stretches into eternity, cloudless , so startlingly blue; azure, cerulean.. I was tempted to photo bomb, or stick up my fingers as rabbit ears, but these pics deserve some dignity.
         Pulling up to Segovia, it was impossible to ignore the Aqueduct. It was humongous! Those Romans are master engineers. To think they constructed this immense project to funnel water. Huh, back home we'd just drill a well. It is certainly a marvel . Thank God the walking tour didn't include climbing and clinging. I admit I'm afraid of heights, and I didn't need agua enough to venture off the ground. Of course, I wouldn't turn away if Antonio were to entice me up there whispering sweet Spanish nothings like "tortilla' , or 'fajita'.!Sigh. Spanish sounds so intoxicating. It's a good thing I wasn't part of this building crew. Maybe I could've held the ladder?
         Alcazar is lovely. I wonder if Home Depot sells similar beautiful blue tiles? They would make my bathroom the best. Again, the ceilings were vaulted, lofty,soaring, incredible. The artwork and carvings were intricate, and bespoke proud craftsmen.
         Yes, lunch in Segovia ! ! I worked up an appetite, and I opted to dine on gourmet gastronomical delights . Raciones?? Rations?? Hmm, this reminds me of the military..dried, dehydrated food in a bag? No, thank goodness, it refers to portions or helpings. They were more than generous, I was stuffed. Where can I buy elastic-waist shorts? I ordered 'plato combinado', sort of like Chinese food; a combination plate. It offered a variety of fish and veggies with 'arroz '...rice. It was delisioso! I love the spices, and my meal was 'mucho picante . '
         This dia/day was muy bien. How could we go wrong with hiking and sight-seeing? My memories and my belly are brimming . My flip flops are dragging. I cannot wait to share all of this with my journal..I foresee writer's cramp in my near future. Hmmm, how many words are there for large?

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