Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/890231-Two-Amazing-Seniors
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
#890231 added August 18, 2016 at 9:17am
Restrictions: None
Two Amazing Seniors
I had a very enjoyable lunch yesterday with a member of our writing group. She had her 91st birthday last month and is amazing to me. She completed a 5K race last spring. Both of us lost our husbands within a year of each other so some of our conversation was sad but most was about happy times and of course...books and writing. Joan's writing a memoir also.

Another friend from church was 100 last week and still going strong, hardly uses a cane to get around and a mind...as they say...sharp as a tack. His advice "keep moving." That's advice I need to take.

I had my yearly physical last Monday and a phone call from my doctor's nurse yesterday informed me my cholesterol and ldl was up, not much but enough to take some action, no pun intended but action is the key word here. I'm vegetarian but still eat eggs and cheese and will need to cut back on those and increase beans, etc. I have switched to overnight oats...1/3 cup almond milk + 1/3 cup oats, leave covered in fridge overnight. In the morning I add a little Silk yoghurt and blueberries. It's very good. But my main problem is getting back to walking which I have neglected since last spring due to a combination of heat and fatigue. The less I do, the more fatigued I am, a vicious circle. And the 15 pounds I have gained in the last year is not helping.

Also, the nurse says my white cell count is up so in 2 weeks I need to redo my labs. I read my Prednisone info sheet and it could be the reason. Hopefully, in September I will be able to cut back more on my dose. I do think the PMR is decreasing.

We've been having showers, sometimes thunder bumpers, everyday lately and my grass is deep green and growing. I'll need to mow again soon. The last time I got gas for the mower, I mistakenly filled the 5 gallon container to the full line and had a terrible time lifting it into the truck and then lifting it to fill the mower...whew! But I don't think I will need more gas for quite awhile.

Time to get moving...

until next time...c

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