Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/890949-Saint-Aereola
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#890949 added August 28, 2016 at 2:05am
Restrictions: None
Saint Aereola

"Do you ever feel trapped in your body?" Aereola asked
a daisy. The daisy did not answer.
She scooped some pollen and licked it off her finger tips.
Aereola was a beautiful feary with long red hair.
She fluttered her six firefly wings as she flew about
the daisies licking pollen from her finger tips.

"I know I will ask GIA what she's up to." Aereola snapped
her fingers and appeared before Mother Nature.
"What are you up to?" She asked GIA the mother of the living.
GIA's body was radiant and difficult to look at directly.
There was no answer...
Aereola put her hands on her tiny hips, "Well, that's rude."

A cool breeze passed over the naked feary that gave her a shudder.
"I meant no disrespect. I was feeling uneasy. I hope your not angry."
Aereola said with a bow.
"How many leaves have fallen? How many will fall, before there are
no more?" GIA's voice rustled through the leaves.
"We are in the Autumn??" Aereola queried nervously.

"The works of Adam are death." GIA replied with a rainfall.
"Ehm..Should I call Mahn?" Aereola asked.
Mahn was an ancient witch and quite deadly serious about men.
"Out of me came man. He must find balance in his nature.
Destroy him and another race of builders will take his place."
"Fearies?" Aereola asked with a wink.

GIA smiled and the meadow was warm and green.
"You are an elemental. You have no need to build."
GIA ran her hand over Aereola's long red hair and vanished.
"I have better prepare for the winter." Aereola said with a flutter.
She set about gathering willow silk for her bed in the hollow
of an elm tree.

Reflections~ There is so much to do and so little time.

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