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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/892184-Favourite-Subjects--Phrases-Every-Writer-Needs-To-Remember
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#892184 added September 13, 2016 at 10:08pm
Restrictions: None
Favourite Subjects & Phrases Every Writer Needs To Remember
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Talk Tuesday!
School's back in session pretty much everywhere now, so tell us...what were your best and worst subjects when you were a student?

As a kid, I enjoyed the black and white, only one right answer, of math. Numbers and logical thinking suited me.... gave me comfort in a time when my world was shifting on sifting sand. I enjoyed the information of science.... and often found my own topics, like weather to research. The library was a place of comfort.

I enjoyed reading, but was afraid to read out in class. I wrote stories on my own, but in school I was nervous to share my attempts. They felt too private to want to air in a class that did not always feel like a safe place to confide in,. I was an only child. I was sensitive and often seen as a little odd so I was teased.... I was also one who wanted to keep a low profile to avoid any undue attention that might attract bullying. I was far more comfortable with adults.

I took math and science all the way through high school and did well - average... I took English, but often did not do as well because oral presentations and participation were required (they were a big part of the mark).... and I did not have the strength or confidence in my own thinking to do them well. In fact, if I was called on in class my answer slipped from my brain and I would sit there like a mumbling fool.

It was not until University that I branched out to humanities and social studies in particular. People interested me - Psychology and sociology allowed me to study human behaviour in a detached way. The science of human behaviour - which also interests me when I write my stories - what motivates and drives a character? That intrigues me.

Somewhere along the line I developed confidence in my opinions.... and seem better able to communicate in the written form. I guess I have learned where my strengths are and worked to develop those things.

Another funny, I like talking to children now. When they were my peers I felt too vulnerable to reach out to them... now I find myself drawn to those kids who seem to struggle like I did.... I try to be there to give them that support I didn't get when I was a kid. I also have no problems standing up and teaching a class.

It's funny how things change over time. As I have learned and grown my interests have led me.... and helped me find the confidence to shine in those areas.

I found elementary and secondary school life oppressive in a way.... I did not like my peer group - most of my friends were older or younger than me, they were not in my grade. There were unspoken rules that I didn't get and I think that kept me on the outskirts of them. My real friends were the kids who were happy to hang with the special education kids. Happy to include them at our lunch table and make them feel special too. That kind of humanity I felt was lost on my age-mates.

University opened things up.... and got rid of the idiots who I found intimidating and small minded. I blossomed and I haven't looked back.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 919

Prompt: โ€œPermission to Begin. Courage to Continue. Forgiveness to Try Again.โ€ In your opinion, how do these phrases relate to the creative writing process?

They should be posted for every writer to see every day. Posted as a reminder. We need to give ourselves permission to begin each day. We need to find the courage to continue each day. And on those days when we struggle to find the words or read what we have already written and find it lacking, we need to offer ourselves forgiveness to try again.... and remember that first drafts are supposed to be shitty and messy and can be edited in future drafts.

Each day we need to show up at the page and move through these three things so that we may begin fresh each day, leaving the struggles of the day before behind us as we press on to let our voices sing our own songs, poems and stories.

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