Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/892774-Aliens-in-Politics
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#892774 added September 25, 2016 at 2:39am
Restrictions: None
Aliens in Politics
"Did you pack the skin lotion?"
Eric asks as he fires up the
the inter-galactic saucer ship.
"I don't want to be itchy."

"You. They're still burning fossil
fuels. Their ozone is sh#t."
Nova answers and adjusts her contact
eye lenses, covering her slit reptile

"Honey.. How many eggs should we
bring?" Eric continues. Nova has produced
a large fry of hatchlings for their
journey to Earth.

"Well, Hillary wanted to seed five;
bring 10." Nova and Eric are registered
Democrats .. This year one of their own
is running for President.

Nabu, their home world, is in a parallel
orbit to Earth on the opposite side of the Sun.
Their people have achieved global peace and
ecological symbiosis ... They hope to do the
same on Earth.

"Do you think they'll have another world war?"
Nova sighs and swallows a live mouse.
"We should never have set them free.
They're crazy monkeys." Eric laughed and hissed.
"Oh, you know, that's evolution." Nova smiled.

Reflections~ The dinosaurs ruled 300 million years
on Earth. That's a lot of evolution.

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